The Challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Development in China: A Comparative Analysis of Three CCS Demonstration Cases in Europe, U.S., and China

The Challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Development in China: A Comparative Analysis of Three CCS Demonstration Cases in Europe, U.S., and China

Ang Zhao
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/jal.2012070102
(Individual Articles)
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As a significant mitigation strategy to fight climate change, Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) demonstration projects have received huge amount of public funding across the world. After examining three large scale integrated CCS coal-fired power demonstration projects, which are carried out by America, Europe and China, this paper presents three different approaches that three authorities are taking to support the adventure of CCS technology. By comparing these three cases, the paper demonstrates there exist some significant challenges in CCS development in China and offer relevant policy recommendations to cope with the challenges.
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2. Comparison Of Three Cases

Through Table 1 a brief contrast of three CCS demonstration projects is provided. The comparison relates to various aspects of project, from technical profile to project timetable, social benefits and policy model.

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