Challenges for the NoSQL systems: Directions for Further Research and Development

Challenges for the NoSQL systems: Directions for Further Research and Development

George Tudorica Bogdan
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/ijsem.2013010106
(Individual Articles)
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The concept described by the term NoSQL (Not Only SQL) is a database that is distributed, may not require fixed table schemas, usually avoids join operations and is typically horizontally scalable, it does not offer SQL query interface and is available in most cases as open source - some bibliographic sources use the term to refer to a completely unrelated system. This concept is also assimilated by sources in the academic world as a structured form of storage. The two terms seem not to be entirely equivalent; relational databases, for example, also meet the official definition of data storage structures, but they are somewhat opposite qualities to the concept of NoSQL. The aim of this paper is to discuss the challenges met by the NoSQL solutions and to propose solutions for these challenges.
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How Does Nosql Fit Into Corporate It

Currently not all corporate applications are easily modeled relationally, as there are applications that do not require strict ACID properties (especially consistency and isolation may be missing). The present situation differs from that of the ‘80s or ‘90s when most of the existing data in a company were structured to be generated and accessed in a controlled manner and constituted “records” for the business transactions. Without discussion, such data continue and will continue to exist and always will be modeled, stored and accessed using relational DBMS. But in addition to these data we are dealing with an explosion of large data volumes which are uncontrolled, unstructured and focused on information that occurred in the last 15 years with the advent of web, digital commerce, social applications, etc. Companies do not need relational DBMS to store and retrieve them, as key properties of relational DBMS do not fit with the nature and use of these data.

NoSQL databases are a better choice for treating these trends (compared with relational DBMS) given the support they offer to such unstructured data systems, horizontal scalability through partitioning, high availability etc.

The following are some uses that support the view above:

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