Collaborative Edge Computing Advances in Children's Behavior Observation for Social Internet of Things Systems in Preschool Education

Collaborative Edge Computing Advances in Children's Behavior Observation for Social Internet of Things Systems in Preschool Education

Danqing Liu, Luqun Liu
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJDST.307952
(Individual Articles)
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Teachers who observe and analyze children's conduct can learn more about children and the reasons for their behavior. Promoting the fusion of adult and preschool vision through discussion is a basic competency of preschool teachers.Social Internet of Things (SIoT) uses recent advances in collaborativeand social relationships among SIoT users to take advantage of the network's strengths while posing new challenges.With the help of the theory of development, behavioral cues, and individual circumstances, a thorough and holistic interpretation can be made of children's behavior.There is a brief introduction to the concepts of collaborative edge computing and data storage in addition to examples of various socially-minded solutions; for long last, a list of research obstacles is provided. When measured numerically, the ECBO has a positive impact on student accomplishment (97.9%), developmental progress (95.3%), interpersonal interaction (94.6%), parental participation (98.5%), and attention ratio (98%).
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Introduction Of Children's Behavior Observation In Preschool Education

Every day in early childhood classrooms, observations are made. To protect the students, teachers continually inspect the surroundings and do safety inspections on the equipment and supplies (Suo et al., 2021). Teachers conduct daily health assessments to verify that their students are fit enough to engage in the program (Wang et al., 2021). Teachers are responsible for many jobs and responsibilities beyond normal safety and health screenings (Sheron et al., 2019). To create and execute a curriculum, the teacher utilizes. A wide range of applications and techniques can be used with collaborative edge computing. In contrast, many solutions have been developed to manipulate mobile edge/cloud computing resources in social networking sites for social internet of things systems. Their observations build interesting learning settings, monitor the children's social interactions, track behaviors, communicate with families, and analyze the growth and development of each child (Thoms et al. 2010) and (Tai et al., 2012).

Learning about young children's behavior begins with observing their actions (Tang et al., 2021). This observation serves as a starting point for a wide range of activities and indicators of a teacher's professionalism (Kumar et al., 2020). Observing young children's behavior can be done with a glance. Observing and reporting their activities is essential to understanding children (Shepherd et al., 2014).Extendingthe Internet of Things with collaborative edge computing and outlining human behavior as well as conversations among Potential systems is the paradigm of the SIOT. Integrating IoT and social networks can benefit many potential benefits, such as socially motivated collaborative networks and crowd partnership. Second, it is essential to analyze their mental activity and development levels through their actions (Subramani et al.,2021). Relationships and knowledge are fostered when children sit back and observe one another (Wang et al., 2021). Look at a child through the perspective of an observer. After users get to know a child, can one appreciate their talents, hobbies, and personality (Gong et al., 2021). A good understanding of each child's personality and development helps arrange activities tailored to their needs (Kumar et al., 2021). Through observation, we can learn about a child's preferences and dislikes and how they react to various circumstances, such as new people or care routines (Jiang et al., 2021). This information can help us determine whether a youngster enjoys or struggles with certain routines or activities and identify those that cause them stress (Wei et al., 2021).Existing research on SIoT often focuses on the definition and development of concepts, as well as the characterization of networks. Relationships between SIoT users have been described using a recent advance in collaborative edge computing for social internet of things systems.

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