Data Analysis: An Important Step in the Process of Development of Economic Intelligence Products

Data Analysis: An Important Step in the Process of Development of Economic Intelligence Products

Mihai Serban
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/ijsem.2012040104
(Individual Articles)
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The author acknowledges that a systematic knowledge on the issues required destinations and criteria for classification of finished intelligence products. Understanding of all these constituents is required to provide many effective tools for intelligence operators and especially for the legal beneficiaries of the results of intelligence activities. Based on these elements it can be said that intelligence analysis is a specialized approach of knowledge on a specific problem, in which methods and techniques (specific forms and modalities), including analytical nature, are used to formulate explanations. As this system is complex, society’s economic intelligence may be imposed in a consistent way, through the role it plays in securing an efficient company. To begin an analysis of areas, from the perspective of economic challenges, it should be noted that the combined effects of the evolution of doctrine is the idea of thought and economic theory.
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According to documentary sources studied intelligence activity is structured by reference to the two fundamental components: the work of information (intelligence) and counterintelligence activities (counterintelligence). Intelligence activity is the process by which work is underway to obtain information in respect Offensive, providing penetration ability of the media information of interest. Counterintelligence activities aimed at information from the sense of defense, defense against information activities carried out by opponents. Intelligence activity is the process of organizing and running complex work of gathering, checking and using the data value information, the purpose of ascertaining the intentions of adversaries, their interests and to prevent the materialization of concrete actions to counter the intelligence activities directed against the initiators.

By analytical product of intelligence, information of interest may have two dimensions. First is the news that a form of vehicular communications, which are highlighted facts, situations or events relevant to the intelligence or counterintelligence that of. In this circuit information and knowledge is certain, a statement whose authenticity and date have been clearly established.

A second important dimension is the rumor, a manifestation of social psychology that spreads, amplifies and distorts the false news, false or partially true. Biased interpretation and release forms the stories have the effect of creating, maintaining or aggravating disorders, vulnerabilities or risks Threat intelligence. It is appropriate at this stage to clarify some issues of interest to intelligence data. These are seen as a representation of facts, events and concepts in a form suitable conventional communication, interpretation or manual or automated processing. Note that the data processing intelligence products, their processing is done by the intelligence process.

Constant preoccupation of Anglo-Saxon personalities formation efficiency was manifest in the case of Washington Platt who wanted to define in a most expressive product called analytical intelligence.

From this perspective, made the assessment that intelligence is a compilation, so are gathered and structured in a certain view of logic, some data of interest (Platt, 1957). Carl von Clausewitz1 covers many aspects of intelligence, a predominant approach military. From the perspective of his views, the products of intelligence are all knowledge held opponents on a range of operational interest (Clausewitz, 2009).

Especially in recent years, privatization efforts are evident in the process of intelligence (“intelligence merchandising”), especially due to the exponential growth of non-state actors' roles and the privatization processes in line for security intelligence. Intelligence process occurs in different forms (Krizan, 1999), but consider that a summary of information obtained on this subject refer to the main purpose of intelligence to the economic, that directing efforts (specifying the information needs of the application to the structure and orientation of the firm authorized). Further efforts are on line data collection and information for analysis. Dissemination (capitalization) shows the distribution of responses to requests on the principles and objectives established powers, mainly towards the goal. By using the control functions, coordination and evaluation of intelligence throughout the economic cycle is repeated. Given that we consider important elements and as a result of identification factors used, Figure 1 is proposed.

Figure 1.

The process of Intelligence


In an informational process, a complex analytical evaluation of the relevance and usefulness of data that are processed into finished products of intelligence (information). It is obvious that all these factors help us in understanding the relationships that are based on that perspective of matching interests and complementary economies, therefore, believe that it requires an analysis of cooperation and conflict, using tools Today may be provided by certain schools of thought and theories of history are translated into a practice of international relations, related to the effective functioning of the global economy.

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