Focussed Areas in the Extant Literature of Green HRM: A Conceptual Review

Focussed Areas in the Extant Literature of Green HRM: A Conceptual Review

Ella Mittal, Parvinder Kaur
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.2021010102
(Individual Articles)
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Sustainability is the important issue for most of the organisation for reaping the benefit of triple bottom line and competitive advantage. Green human resource management is one of the ways to attain the sustainability which also helps in attracting and retaining the young talent towards the organisation. The purpose of the present research is to study the concept of Green HRM with various dimensions and to investigate the mostly researched domain related to Green HRM. The study discussed the key and major focus areas in the literature in the context of GHRM as per the author's view to accomplish the stated objectives. The results of the study showed the manufacturing domain has been focused by most of the studies due to the direct consumption of natural resources more in this sector. Further, originality or practicality of the research lies as this research would be helpful to the HR practitioners to focus only on key areas to implement the concept of GHRM well in their respective organizations to formulate the competitive strategy to add value to their respective organizations.
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1. Introduction

Environmental pollution is one of the major concerns in developed countries especially in the poorer sections of society. However, the problem is the greatest in the developing nations, where a large number of people are affecting by poor sanitation, contaminated water supplies, industrial emissions, and exposures to indoor air pollution (Briggs, 2003). It is also a cause of various health issues and problems for flora and fauna. Worldwide, various natural calamities such as floods, tsunamis, famines, cyclones, earthquakes due to global warming cannot be unheeded (Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2016). In a developing country like India, a recent cyclone Fani (2019) in Odisha, flood in Kerala (2018) has caused a huge loss of life and property. According to a report of the World health organization (WHO, 2018) nine out of ten people breathe polluted air. Realizing the importance of protecting the environment, mankind has started to find ways to protect the planet earth. Various steps like environment protection acts and agreements have been signed to combat this issue to reduce pollution e.g. On Dec 2015 at COP 21 in Paris, parties to the UNFCCC made a landmark agreement to combat the change in climate and to intensify the investments and actions needed for sustainable and low carbon future. Various companies have also been started to include environmental protection as a part of their vision (Ford Motor Company, Disney, Fisher investments, Hewlett Packard, etc.)The Environmental friendly behavior of the employees in the companies is helping them to reap the benefit of rising triple bottom line performance through sustainable goals as Green HRM is emerging as one of the organizational responses to environmental degradation (Renwick et al, 2013) and helpful in lessening the carbon footprint caused by the business world. Aligning the HR practices and policies with environmental management through HR function can help those organizations to achieve environmental sustainability reflecting an eco-focus (Mandip, G., 2012). The concern regarding the degradation of the environment inculcated the industry and business to cultivate and use green management by implementing environmentally friendly practices and products (Masri and Jaaron, 2017). Various researches have been done to explore the topic of green HRM in developed countries. (Jackson et al., 2011; Renwick et al., 2013; Masri and Jaaron, 2017; Renwick et al.,2016). But the organizations in developing and underdeveloped countries are still uncertain in connecting these practices with the basic HR functions and incorporating in the workplace to create a green organizational culture and improve environmental performance (Masri and Jaaron, 2017). The purpose of the present research is to study the concept of Green HRM and its related areas to provide the HR practitioners in developing countries, with adequate insights to relevant fields while making decisions regarding sustainability, which is a need of today’s world.

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