Hybrid Learning: Perspectives of Higher Education Faculty

Hybrid Learning: Perspectives of Higher Education Faculty

Nahed Abdelrahman, Beverly J. Irby
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTHD.2016010101
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Hybrid learning has been utilized as a transitional learning method to make advantage of both face-to-face and online learning platforms. In this article, the authors explored how faculty members perceive using simultaneously multiple platforms in higher education such as face-to-face, online, and hybrid platforms in teaching. In this study, the authors examined how faculty members defined hybrid learning. They also explored how the participants perceive both hybrid and online learning as vehicles for higher education advancement as well as strategies to attract more students to higher education. The purpose of this research was to develop an analytical overview of one of the learning approaches such as hybrid and its impact on higher education. The authors have interviewed ten faculty members in order to achieve this objective. The results illustrated that faculty members do not have one single definition of hybrid learning but rather they have multiple definitions. Faculty members also demonstrated that they support online learning because it achieves more accessibility to higher education, yet, they believe the face-to-face learning achieve more quality of education.
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Literature Review

Hybrid learning and blended learning are two terms usually referring to one concept. They are usually used to define a mixture of two or more techniques of instructions. Olapiriyakul and Scher (2006) described blended or hybrid learning as the use of “mixed mode of instruction, formally combining traditional face-to-face instruction and pure online learning” (p.288). However, Hinterberger, Fassler, and Bauer-Messer (2004) argued that blended and hybrid do not describe the same term. For those researchers, hybrid learning is a method with which distance education is the main focus that is supported with traditional education, but blended learning refers to the best practice of old and new pedagogy combined.

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