Internet of Things and Its Significance on Smart Homes/Cities

Internet of Things and Its Significance on Smart Homes/Cities

Sam Goundar, Akashdeep Bhardwaj, Deepika Bandhana, Melvin Avineshwar Prasad, Krishaal Kavish Chand
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.299936
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Smart homes and cities is one of the crucial topics for an individual of any age that requires almost zero computer literacy in order to benefit the leisure and luxury offered by smart homes and cities. Benefits offered by smart homes and cities are not only limited to leisure and luxury but other various areas of an individual's life and to aid them with information and communication, intelligent responses with the information collected and analyzed, environmental protection and public safety with surveillance. Internet of things was invented in 1999. Since then, there has been a huge bloom in technologies, keeping in mind the present systematic development in sensors, wireless technology, artificial intelligence, and machines and devices. This paper outlines the working prototypes that have been developed and deployed in developed countries and recommends to the Pacific Island nations to accept these technologies for the betterment of their countries. It will also compare the usage of energy and cost saving in smart cities and how this can be beneficial to the nations in the Pacific.
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2. Reliability Of Human Interaction And Behaviour

In the beginning, internet was mainly used for Human-to-Human interaction (H2H) such as text messaging, social networking and electronic mail. These, now ancient, services were later perfected into Human to Machine (H2M) interaction with the use of Artificial Intelligence. Classic examples of these are, when an intelligent machine tailors a web page for the user accordingly to its browser history and even considering its locations. M. Weiser, over 20 years ago stated that devices with IoT enabled features will be everywhere in almost all of the devices, connected and ubiquitously living amongst living with humans. This is a reality now.

Human interaction is still required to access many of the devices that exist today. However, most if not all are enabled with features that permits interaction between each other with minimum or no human interactions. This makes these devices truly smart. This functionality of the devices to communicate with each other is also known as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interaction, which is the core concept behind IoT.

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