IoT Solution for Enhancing the Quality of Life of Visually Impaired People

IoT Solution for Enhancing the Quality of Life of Visually Impaired People

Siddesh G. M., K. G. Srinivasa
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/IJGHPC.2021100101
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One of the treading technologies in the field of data processing and communication is internet of things. To make life a lot easier for the disabled and visually impaired people, IoT can offer assistance and support in various ways. Visually impaired (VI) is a term used to describe any kind of sight loss; some people are completely blind, but many others have legal blindness. The proposed system visually impaired-quality of life (VI-QOL) consists of Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensors, proximity sensors, and some of the IoT components along with smartphone. Using these components, the author's research goal is to improve the mobility of VI people in a wider range of travel activities. The proposed VI-QOL framework tested all the consequences of IoT components and the Android applications. Total transaction time for navigation system of the proposed solution is measured with and without any load in the application, which proves the efficiency of the proposed work. The throughput of the proposed solution is proved to be high.
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1. Introduction

As we have known that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological revolution in computation and communications. It delineates the universe of networked Smart gadgets, where everything is connected to one another and has a digital entity. Integration of internet and Radio- Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies has led to exemplify and react to the surroundings achieving real-time localization and embedded sensors (Gurtov, Liyanage, & Korzun, 2016).

It is a challenging task of research and development to create the universe of the connected devices. There are different real device connected along with the virtually and digitally communicating devices in the real world and they all come together to build a smart network which makes power, communication, transport, metropolis and other various Hi-Fi cities way more smarter than they are now. The primary objective of the IoT is to connect the various “Things” or objects and allow them to communicate from any place and anytime with numerous other connecting Things which one can use in different connected path and provide various services (Vermesan & Friess, 2013).

Self-recognizable objects can be formed and they obtain knowledge by enabling the feeling related decisions and they can even impart information and data among itself. Such objects possess the ability to access the information which has been gathered by different objects or things that they can be part of different services. This development is related with the advent of the cloud and with other various competences and the change in the addressing in the Internet Protocol Version 6 with enormous addressing capability. Different advanced apps can be the smart home automation in which the different electronic appliances and the services offered by the intelligence systems, security systems, network connections energy saving systems, telecom, home entertainment and computers are all integrated into one ecosystem into a shared service interfacing system. (Vermesan et al., 2013; Gupta, Shrivastava, Anand, & Tomažič, 2018; Kumar, Quadri, Sharma, Gia, & Ranjan, 2018; Zhang, Li, Zhang & Feng, 2018; Chowdhary, 2019)

Internet of Things can offer a disabled person a support that gives them assistance in obtaining a better capability and make them gain a better quality of life. IoT technologies are equipped and supported by tools (NexCap tool for RFID tracking, Arduino tool) which in turn helps to increase the independence of the individual (Gurtov et al., 2016; Puri, Nayyar, & Le, 2017; Nayyar, A, 2016; Nayyar & Puri, 2016). Visual Impairment, which is also known as the Blindness or loss of eyesight, is a frailty to see through a certain degree which cause difficulty that cannot be corrected through diagnosis by conventional methods, such as use of spectacles or lenses. Many people find it very difficult to visualize things even as they use the spectacles or contact lens, which is also termed as blind. Blindness is a term given for complete or low vision loss. Visually impaired person will have difficulties in day to day chores such as book reading, socializing, and traveling independently. There are statistics which shows nearly 285 million people suffer from Visual disability of which nearly 246 million have lesser vision and more than 39 million (Gurtov, Liyanage, & Korzun, 2016) are completely blind. Prior survey also reveals that the major portions of the community are of over the age of 50. The trend of the visual challenged people has drastically reduced since 1990’s. There are economical backhand for both cost of the treatment as well as the decreased ability towards regular day to day work life. The scarcity of the support services has made the challenged to rely on others thus hovering on them from being socially active and financially stable. Many people with such disability benefit from vision rehabilitation using assistive devices which in turn help them to adapt to the environment.

The IoT architecture from a technology perspective has three different layers which are classified as below:

  • Perception Layer

  • Network Layer

  • Application Layer

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