MEPES: Methodology for Evaluating the Performance of E-Mail Servers

MEPES: Methodology for Evaluating the Performance of E-Mail Servers

Pedro Alexis Torres Calderón, Emigdio Antonio Alfaro Paredes
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/IJOSSP.2018100103
(Individual Articles)
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The purpose of the article was to develop a methodology for evaluating performance of e-mail servers and to compare the performance of e-mail servers based on free software (freeware and open source software) with the performance of payment licensed e-mail servers, with an integrated focus. For obtaining this purpose, a descriptive and experimental study was developed, which population included 33 e-mail servers. Two e-mail servers with free license (Sendmail and Postfix) and two e-mail servers with payment license (Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino) were compared. For evaluating the performance (antispam capacity, antivirus filtering, and server resource consumption), special applications for that purpose were used. Finally, it was determined that the two products of e-mail servers implemented with free software (Sendmail and Postfix) had higher performance than the two licensed e-mail servers (Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino) which were implemented, under the conditions given in this research.
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2. Background

The literature review permitted to find the following: (a) projects for the implementation of e-mail servers using free software, (b) partial or specific methods about the evaluation of performance of e-mail servers, and (c) methodological guides for the administration of e-mail servers using GNU / Linux and performance analysis of a particular e-mail server, which give criteria to take into account for the implementation and the security of the e-mail servers, as well as to evaluate and to analyze the performance of a particular e-mail server; but do not provide procedures that are framed into a methodology that allows to evaluate server performance or to compare both free and open with the payment licensed e-mail servers; however, the studies of Jarrín (2010), Castillo (2012), and Divja, Jagadeesan, and Sha (2016), Dong-Her, Hsiu-Sen, Chun-Yuan, and Lin (2004), Curran and Honan (2006), Méndez, Hernández, and García (2004), Awad and Elseuofi (2011), Osterman Research (2011), and Mendes (2010) served as references of previous related studies.

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