A Modern Epistemological Reading of Agent Orientation

A Modern Epistemological Reading of Agent Orientation

Yves Wautelet, Christophe Schinckus, Manuel Kolp
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/jiit.2008070103
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This article presents a modern epistemological validation of the process of agent oriented software development. Agent orientation has been widely presented in recent years as a novel modeling, design and programming paradigm for building systems using features such as openness, dynamics, sociality and intentionality. These will be put into perspective through a Lakatosian epistemological approach. The contribution of this article is to get researchers acquainted with the epistemological basis of the agent research domain and the context of the emergence of object and agent-orientation. This article advocates the use of the Lakatosian research programme concept as an epistemological basis for object and agent orientation. This is done on the basis of how these frameworks operationalize relevant theoretical concepts of the Kuhnian and Lakatosian theories.

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