Multi-Perspective Modeling of Healthcare Systems

Multi-Perspective Modeling of Healthcare Systems

Ignace Djitog, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu, Mamadou Kaba Traoré
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHIM.2017070101
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This paper presents a multi-perspective approach to Modeling and Simulation (M&S) of Healthcare Systems (HS) such that different perspectives are defined and integrated together. The interactions between the isolated perspectives are done through dynamic update of models output-to-parameter integration during concurrent simulations. Most often, simulation-based studies of HS in the literature focus on specific problem like allocation of resources, disease propagation, and population dynamics that are studied with constant parameters from their respective experimental frames throughout the simulation. The proposed idea provides a closer representation of the real situation and helps to capture the interactions between seemingly independent concerns - and the effects of such interactions - in simulation results. The article provides a DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification)-based formalization of the loose integration of the different perspectives, an Object-Oriented framework for its realization and a case study as illustration and proof of concept.
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Literature Review

Modern HSs have been explored with a variety of studies over many decades. Although not exhaustive, a number of examples of these studies include discrete event simulation, system dynamics, agent-based simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, hybrid simulation (combination of discrete-event and continuous) and simulation combined with optimization techniques. Roberts (2011) presented an extensive tutorial of such simulation modeling methods with a revision of taxonomy of the use of computer simulation in healthcare into two categories: Patient flow optimization and Analysis, and healthcare asset allocation. More specifically, Gunal and Pidd (2010) enlarged this taxonomy in a review of the literature for discrete event simulation for performance modelling in healthcare into scheduling and patient flow, sizing and planning of beds, rooms, and staff. Unit specific studies of simulation modeling in healthcare focusing on solving specific problems in individual HS units such as Outpatient clinics, A&E (Accident and Emergency Department),and Inpatient facilities are predominant in healthcare simulation literature.

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