Quality of Service in Embedded Networks

Quality of Service in Embedded Networks

Elena Suvorova, Yuriy Sheynin, Nadezhda Matveeva
DOI: 10.4018/IJERTCS.2014100104
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Embedded systems are widely used in many fields, from space industry to medicine. In this paper we consider Quality of Service (QoS) in embedded networks. Different QoS are analyzed. The authors consider three structures and implementations of the network layer for providing QoS, compare their implementation characteristics and evaluate hardware costs. They consider QoS mechanisms support in modern space network protocols, possibility of using them in embedded networks. Hardware costs are one of the main constraints for embedded networks. Therefore hardware costs of basic routers with these QoS mechanisms are compared.
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Embedded System And Embedded Network

History of embedded system begins in 1960s. One of the earliest electronic computing devices credited with the term “embedded system” and closer to our present conception of such was the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), (Jiménez, 2014). AGC was part of the guidance and navigation system used by NASA in the Apollo program for various spaceships. Embedded system could be defined as a processor based system designed to perform a few dedicated functions, often in real-time, (Forrai, 2013). Embedded systems are used in complex devices such as mobile gadgets, automobiles, household appliances, satellites and etc. These systems consist of different component. For example, it could be Digital Signal Processor (DSP), Central Processing Unit (CPU), the system memory, a set of input-output ports, peripheral devices.

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