Review on Reliable and Quality Wearable Healthcare Device (WHD)

Review on Reliable and Quality Wearable Healthcare Device (WHD)

Nimi W. S., P. Subha Hency Jose, Jegan R.
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2021100101
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This paper presents a brief review on present developments in wearable devices and their importance in healthcare networks. The state-of-the-art system architecture on wearable healthcare devices and their design techniques are reviewed and becomes an essential step towards developing a smart device for various biomedical applications which includes diseases classifications and detection, analyzing nature of the bio signals, vital parameters measurement, and e-health monitoring through noninvasive method. From the review on latest published research papers on medical wearable device and bio signal analysis, it can be concluded that it is more important and very essential to design and develop a smart wearable device in healthcare environment for quality signal acquisition and e-health monitoring which leads to effective measures of multiparameter extractions. This will help the medical practitioners to understand the nature of patient health condition easily by visualizing a quality signal by smart wearable devices.
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Nowadays, in the healthcare environment, Wearable Health Devices (WHDs) play a significant role in real-time monitoring of various vital parameters. These devices can be attached to the human body to monitor the electrical activities of the body. They also provide necessary information about the region of interest based on our daily life activities. Recently, the involvement of wearable devices in the health care network created a huge impact and more attention to the researchers in developing portable wearable devices. One of the most notable problems faced is providing a timely medical care service. There are many types of health care devices currently used in medical environments to detect and identify diseases. However, they require processing time to analyze the signal's behavior to diagnose the diseases. Due to the environmental and medical reasons, there is a possibility of not recognizing the perfect physiological condition of the abnormalities, leading to organ failure and other health-related problems, including death. Therefore, it is essential to monitor patients' health conditions based on their disability frequently. Due to the increased emergency care, most of the public health care systems offer conventional medical devices that are more expensive and are congested in the medical centers. It is important to be conscientious in identifying human diseases. From the results of literature papers, it was observed that health diseases are drastically increasing due to unnecessary health activities like improper food habits, lack of physical exercise and mental stress. It was indicated that the global economic cost was 30 trillion USD due to significant diseases from 2011 to 2020. Many researchers have done various investigations and reported a survey about increasing chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and other diseases. As the population increases, the diseases are also growing among the human population globally.

There is a massive need in the medical sector and even in-home to identify various diseases by people with cutting-edge technologies. The wearable devices lead a way to identify and provide early detection of serious diseases. There is an increase in demand for the wearable devices for the past few years as they can be used anywhere at any time. Also, the progressive miniaturization of sensors attracted people towards the development of WHDs. Wearable health devices have become a promising source to know about physiological parameters' nature due to their flexibility, low cost, ease of use, high efficiency and non-invasiveness. Wearable devices help people to do their daily activities without any disturbances. They help detect medical illnesses, emergency notification, and computer-assisted rehabilitation during physical activities and resting conditions.

The paper presents a systematic survey on designing a low power smart wearable device and their challenges for collecting real-time data from patients and detecting diseases. The research survey on the present research is carried out on designing wearable health devices. It also includes various technologies used in classifying the features from biosignals and data transmission methods, and proposes the state of art research. It also highlights different medical health devices developed in the last decades. The modern development in microelectronics and communication protocols empowers the cost reduction and improves the quality of the implementation in wearable devices. Different scientific databases were searched, and the relevant research papers were collected. The various factors influenced by designing a smart wearable device are discussed in this paper. The information related to various medical applications is also discussed.

Figure 1.

Evolution of popular medical devices and devices adopted with wearable technology


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