Smart Healthcare Security Device on Medical IoT Using Raspberry Pi

Smart Healthcare Security Device on Medical IoT Using Raspberry Pi

Sudhakar Sengan, Osamah Ibrahim Khalaf, Priyadarsini S., Dilip Kumar Sharma, Amarendra K., Abdulsattar Abdullah Hamad
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.289177
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This paper aims to improve the protection of two-wheelers. This study is divided into two parts: a helmet unit and a vehicle unit. The primary unit is the helmet unit, which contains a sensor, and the second part is known as the alcohol sensor, which is used to determine whether or not the driver is wearing the user helmet correctly. This data is then transmitted to the vehicle unit via the RF transmitter. The data is encoded with the aid of an encoder. Suppose the alcohol sensor senses that the driver is intoxicated. In that case, the IoT-based Raspberry Pi micro-controller passes the data to the vehicle unit via the RF transmitter, which immediately stops the vehicle from using the Driver circuit to control the relay. To stop the consumption of alcohol, the vehicles would be tracked daily. If the individual driving the vehicle is under the influence of alcohol while driving, the buzzer will automatically trigger. The vehicle key will be switched off.
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Problem Statement

This study aims to build a design that can provide high safety standards in vehicles. The use of embedded technologies accomplishes this. This research aims to improve the safety of 2-wheelers (Ganesh Kumar & Sudhakar, 2020). This article consists of two units: a helmet unit and a vehicle unit. A sensor in a helmet device senses whether the driver is wearing the helmet correctly. Then, this data is conveyed to the vehicle unit via the control unit (Ghaida & Osamah, 2018). The helmet control unit receives this signal and sends it to the Arduino. This data was released to the controller for testing. If the helmet is correctly worn, the microcontroller allows the vehicle to operate; else, the relay is turned off, causing it to stop (Hamad et al., 2021; Hoang et al., 2021; Jebril, 2021).

Figure 1.

(a) Block diagram helmet circuit; (b) Block diagram of bike circuit


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