Smart Home Communication System

Smart Home Communication System

Tianze Li
DOI: 10.4018/IJAPUC.2017040101
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With the development of science and technology, people's demands for life are getting higher and higher, smart home has become the new theme of the times. Smart home more and more people to become a necessary way to pursue a comfortable life. When the smart home gateway to the family in a variety of home appliances through the home bus technology together, it constitutes a powerful, highly intelligent modern smart home system. This paper mainly introduces the wisdom of home, and its related concepts and core technology, as well as from domestic and foreign market situation and the application of electronic technology in intelligent home.
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1. Wireless Sensor Network, Wsn

1.1. What is a Wireless Sensor Network?

There are a number of definitions of wireless sensor networks, and a few more common ones are listed: Wireless sensor network is deployed in the monitoring area by a large number of quality and cheap micro-sensor nodes, It is formed by wireless communication of a multi-hop self-organized dynamic network system, The purpose is to collaboratively track, perceive, collect and process information about the perceived objects in the network coverage area, and sent to the data center, in order to carry out information processing.

Wireless sensor network is based on sensor detectors, wireless communications and computer applications and other science and technology to build the target monitoring system (Han, We, Zhang, Zhang,2005).

1.2. Wireless Sensor Classification

Generally used classification:

According to the measured parameters classification: temperature, pressure, displacement, speed and so on.

According to the working principle classification: strain type, capacitive, piezoelectric, magnetic and so on.

Functional materials classified as sensitive components: semiconductor sensors, ceramic sensors, fiber optic sensors, polymer membrane sensors, etc.

Combined with a technology name: integrated sensors, smart sensors, robot sensors, bionic sensors.

1.3. Basic Features

Large-scale network, self-organizing network, multi-hop routing, dynamic network, data-centric network, application-related network.

1.4. Requirements for Use

  • Sufficient capacity

  • High sensitivity, accurate accuracy

  • Fast response, stable operation, high reliability

  • Applicability and adaptability

  • Use the economy

1.5. Sensor Composition

Sensitive components: direct feelings are measured, and to determine the relationship between the output of a physical quantity.

Sensing element: the non-electrical physical output of the sensitive components into the number of circuits or power.

Basic conversion circuit: the circuit parameters will be converted with the measured power.

1.6. In the Application of Smart Home

Personalized entertainment, safety management, disaster management, environmental control, identification and positioning, health management.

1.7. Sensors Used in Smart Homes

Thermal infrared detector, microwave object motion detector, infrared microwave probe, door switch, glass break detector, ultrasonic object motion detector, infrared probe, smoke alarm probe.

1.8. Smart Sensors

1.8.1. The Conditions that Should Be Met

  • 1.

    The sensor itself can eliminate outliers and exceptional values, and provides more real and more comprehensive information than traditional sensors.

  • 2.

    With information processing functions, such as automatic compensation function (Guo,2007).

  • 3.

    With information storage and self-processing functions.

  • 4.

    With adaptive and self-regulating function.

  • 5.

    With digital communication interface, can achieve network and remote communication.

1.8.2. The Technical Approach to Which It is Based

  • 1.

    Functional integration

  • 2.

    Artificial intelligence materials applications

  • 3.

    Adopt the new detection principle and structure

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