Study on the Role of Income in Ensuring Food Security in Romania

Study on the Role of Income in Ensuring Food Security in Romania

Ionut Laurentiu Petre, Maria Nica, Marilena Potârniche, Valentin Pauna, Iuliana Denisa Rădulescu
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.2020040101
(Individual Articles)
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This study aims to analyze the role that income has on food security. For this, with the help of data provided by national institutions (National Institute of Statistics) and international (FAOSTAT), it will be possible to analyze the evolution of certain indicators regarding living standards, food expenditures, income, and share, but also indicators that reveal ensuring food security. Following this analysis, a regression will be made between income as an independent variable and the indicator on food security (average dietary energy supply adequacy) straight dependent variable. Following this analysis, the research hypothesis will be validated according to which income has a direct and positive impact on ensuring food security.
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Food security is a global concern. Global population growth also requires a proportionate increase in food availability to ensure food security for all. The land available for food production is also declining, as more land is used for urban and commercial development purposes. This mismatch in supply and demand has led to rising hunger and poverty. To ensure food security, it is important to use food production efficiently and reduce food waste. (Kaur, 2019)

The issue of food security has attracted so much attention, because food security can greatly affect the social stability of a nation and, ultimately, its economic evolution. The food has distinctive features; it has an immediate appeal to deeply ingrained human feelings, because food is a matter of life and death. Among the necessities of life, the distinctive features of food are the following: Food has a special time dimension. This stems from the fact that human beings must eat every day. A person cannot survive for days without the necessary nutrition, being unable to perform sustained physical work for a long period of time. Food must be obtained in much more stringent conditions than any other necessities of life. Food has a nutritious dimension. Some nutrients should be taken as part of the diet, if not every day, at least for a short period of time, because the body does not effectively store many such nutrients. Food has a socio-cultural dimension. Not everything edible and nutritionally satisfying is socially, culturally and psychologically acceptable. Food has an economic dimension. Most of the food consumed is available on the market at a certain price. (Zhou, 2010)

The state of food security, based on the objective / quantitative or subjective / qualitative perspective, is supposed to be a function of socio-economic and behavioral factors. (Diansari and Nanseki, 2015)

Food security is often a result of living strategies. These strategies are based on available assets, for example: human, social, natural, physical and capital resources. (Yahaya et al, 2018)

Babatunde and Qaim (2010) analyzed the effects of off-farm income on food security and household nutrition in the Kwara state of Nigeria. The authors concluded that off-farm income contributes to improving the calorie supply in the household. At the same time, they stated that incomes outside the farms have a positive impact on the dietary quality and supply of micronutrients.

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