The Impact of CO2 Emissions From Waste on Human Health: A Consequence of Globalization

The Impact of CO2 Emissions From Waste on Human Health: A Consequence of Globalization

Vlad Constantin Turcea, Mihaela Madalina Mihai
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.2019010102
(Individual Articles)
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The objective of this article is to demonstrate the impact of one of many pollution forms, waste type, and impact upon human health, by analyzing the following indices: CO2 emissions from waste management for EU 28 and the annual number of new cases of lung cancer for EU 28 with the help of a simple regression econometric model. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the previously mentioned indices. This study ascertains the indices correlation and the results are supported by several studies that have shown the link between overall pollution and human health. The present research aims at changing the perspective regarding all waste types that should be regarded as resources, not to be considered as an inevitable inconvenience.
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At the present time, economic globalization stands for the third main part of globalization that includes political and cultural globalization likewise. Because of the fact that environmental globalization is related to economic globalization, the concern to multiple states, organizations and individuals is oriented to attenuate the global scale impact on the environmental globalization (Benyon & Dunkerley, 2014). Nowadays the globalization act embodies itself in numerous ways, whereof three are of express purpose to stakeholders and is bound to compel environmental opportunities and risks. The three ways substantiate economy, knowledge and governance, subsequently, globalization of each component. The interactions between the aforementioned units are to be examined all along the study defining the normal stream, from globalization to environment and the counter stream, respectively.

When economy is evaluated considering the stream, extensively dispersed externalities occur since scale and composition of the economic activities change and the consumption increments; an increase of revenues creates better support for environmental conservation and protection; tech augmentation enforces larger and cleaner extraction of raw materials from nature. Seeing the counter stream, supply and demand actors in global markets are incited by the scarcity or/and abundance of natural resources; the urge for environmental melioration can excerpt funds from the budget and drain resources away from development and sustainable goals.

When analyzing the stream for knowledge, environmental intelligence and best practices are exchanged due to global interactions; the urge for environmental consciousness rises through environmental networks, civil society and NGOs global movement; the use of newer and greener technologies expands and the consumption aspirations of the people is homogenized. On the counter stream, degraded and environmentally unstable areas turn into depreciated locations and which are to attract investments and trades; environmental stress is able to emphasize non-consumptive development in reprisal to the core of globalization; environmental stress is able to bring about alternative energies, dematerialization or refocus which may not differently rise; and to transform environmentalism in a globally used term.

Looking into the governance and its stream, globalization inflates the adversity for national regulators to banks on local legislation to secure their citizens and their environment; the existing increasing appeal and need for global legislative measures to reinforce the current agreements and based on their coaction, to enhance environmental performance; amplifying the diversity of the participants’ coalitions in referring environmental threats. Evaluating the counter stream emphasizes that standards for environment control trade and investment patterns both nationally and internationally; the requirement of environmental governance incorporation through to trade, investment, health and labor; the presence of NGOs and civil society and other stakeholders in global environmental governance has become a distinction/example for other global governance areas (Najam, Runnalls, & Halle, 2007).

Global problems have been redefined by the United Nations (UN) many times, but the core issues remained unchanged some of which are climate change, food and health. With this in mind UN and several other organizations have reconsidered their priorities fathoming different facets of the problems that are derived from the essence like emissions of greenhouse gases for climate change, food waste for food, cancer for health and urbanization rate. This paper work tends to focus on a small proportion of the emissions and their effects on human health. Considering that urbanization is leading to increased pollution, it is patently to study the links between urbanization and pollution in the general context of globalization.

The ascendant discussion on globalization has tended to highlight the undertaking of economic opportunity. Furthermore, there exists a lateral discussion on environmental responsibility. A subtler perception needs to be cultivated, one that pursues the actualization of global opportunities provided by globalization and at the same time accomplishing global ecological responsibilities and acceleration. Such a comprehension would, absolutely, turn sustainable development into a means of globalization, and not into one of its victims (Najam, Runnalls, & Halle, 2007).

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