The Influence of Artificial Intelligence Technology on the Optimization of the Teaching Model of Higher Education in the Context of the Pandemic

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence Technology on the Optimization of the Teaching Model of Higher Education in the Context of the Pandemic

Kaiyu Xiang, Yuanyuan Zhu
DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.343519
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The environment of the epidemic is a life changer for everyone, and specifically for the educational system is progress. In order to overcome the challenges in the educational system, this study proposes a new intelligent approach to teaching and learning. Teaching plays a vital role in higher education and can be advanced by utilising certain tools and technologies such as internet enabled mobile applications, automated scheduling of courses, assessment etc. The Emergency Distance Learning Methodology (EDLM) is proposed to improve the teaching-learning process by implementing artificial intelligence. Comparing the proposed system with the existing qualitative response analysis methods, it is observed that the proposed system provides 98.56% accuracy over the existing models. This study aims to assess the optimisation of teaching and learning models in higher education.
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Motivation Of The Study

This study aims to evaluate the optimization of the teaching model of higher education (Cardona et al., 2023). Higher education upon that move Learning is one of the most important skills to cultivate to improve higher education communication skills. As a result of the pandemic, many students’ reading ability failed to improve. Students were taught the executive function reading strategy of knowledge and understanding, which creates awareness regarding thoughts, to manage their thinking during the pandemic because the spread of Covid-19 forced them to remain at home in confinement. Several scholars have analyzed the impact of the pandemic from various angles.

This study concentrates on the pandemic’s effects for children aged 0 to 14 years with respect to gatherings and school closings over an extended length of time. During the pandemic, all teachers focused on web-based information management and reading segments for higher education language acquisition. According to recent polling, students find it difficult to relax after extended durations of reading since they are unsure of their reading comprehension strategies. Also, it is recognized that educators will be unable to advance their understanding when they are unaware of their very own thinking process.

Materials and Methods

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant changes to the way education is delivered. Teachers and students have had to adapt to remote learning and utilize modern tools and technology to ensure continuity in education. It is important for both teachers and students to upgrade their skills and embrace new ways of teaching and learning to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic. By leveraging modern tools and technology, educators can enhance the learning experience and ensure that students do not fall behind in their studies.

Figure 1.

Diagram of the Proposed System


In this study, the teacher utilizes an intelligent teaching system to overcome the challenges in teaching and learning processes. These intelligent systems are equipped with the tools such as mobile applications, visualization tools, pre-recorded materials, and some hand-printed materials (that are shared earlier with the classes). The pre-recorded videos and the course contents are updated in the database with the system administrator's assistance. The database or the server work with AI. Hence, the students will send the notification whenever new content is added to the database or the current work is updated (See Figure 1). Added to this alert system, the teacher and the student utilize an interactive system for further clarifications or one-to-one interaction.

Additionally, incorporating an alert system for teachers and students to interact one-on-one or seek clarifications through an interactive system can enhance the learning experience further. This kind of interactive platform can foster better communication, engagement, and understanding between teachers and students, even in a remote learning environment. It is important to leverage technology effectively to support teaching and learning in the ever-evolving landscape of education.


Proposed Work

Overall, the integration of advanced technologies and methodologies into education, especially in the emergency situations we now face, can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of distance learning. Innovative solutions must continue to be explored to ensure that students have access to continuous and quality education in all circumstances.

A multicore processing learning system, emergency distance learning method (EDLM), can be used to launch its classification technique of network components within in the EDLM structure. The system involves multi-core processing and classification techniques for network components and focuses on graph construction methods and optimization techniques for education across a variety of processors. We categorize the graph's method of construction in detail along with the corresponding optimization technique predicated on semi-supervised various processors education.

The determination of rs in a declaration is described by the equation (1) term supporting it (i.e., the higher education linguistic framework).

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