The Present Context of Sustainable Develpoment in Romania

The Present Context of Sustainable Develpoment in Romania

Marinela Ilie
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.288063
(Individual Articles)
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Sustainable development promotes the concept of reconciling economic and social progress without endangering the naturally balanced balance on the planet. The idea behind this concept is to ensure a better quality of life for all the inhabitants of the planet, for the present generations and for the future generations. In Romania, as a member state of the European Union, in 1997 the National Center for Sustainable Development was created under the auspices of the Romanian Academy, which over time managed to become the most authorized voice in civil society in the field of developing proposals and strategies for sustainable development of Romania. The purpose of the National Center for Sustainable Development is to identify Romania's sustainable development priorities and achieve them through concrete projects at the national and local levels. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the opinion of the Romanian citizens regarding sustainable development's current context and situation.
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Sustainable development is the form of satisfying economic growth and the needs of society regarding short, medium and long term well-being, having to meet the present needs, without, however, endangering those of future generations. According to Gupte (2003), this notion reconciles between the environment and the economy, representing a path of development that supports human progress for the whole planet and for a long future. In this approach, it is pursued the interaction of the compatibility of four systems: economic, human, environmental and environmentally friendly, to ensure that the needs of the present are met without it compromises the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The strategy of sustainable development includes the simultaneity of progress in all four dimensions. Global development has as its general goal the improvement of human life and ensuring the necessary conditions for people to be able to achieve their full potential. Achieving this global goal requires the fulfillment of the following objectives:

  • analysis of the present through the prism of the future, by introducing security instead of maximizing profit, this is the real thing goal of sustainable development;

  • changing consumption and production trends;

  • establishing the demographic growth;

  • distribution of development benefits to the entire population economic;

  • achieving efficient governance, ie developing a political system to ensure respect for human rights and freedoms;

  • permanent and safe compatibility of the man-made environment with the natural environment.

Romania, as a member of the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU), has expressed its support for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution A / RES / 70/1, at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2015. The conclusions of the EU Council, adopted on 20 June 2017, "A sustainable future for Europe: the EU's response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" is the political document by EU Member States on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Through this strategy, Romania establishes its national framework for supporting the 2030 Agenda and implementing the set of 17 SDGs. The strategy supports Romania's development on three main pillars, namely economic, social and environmental. The strategy is citizen-oriented and focuses on innovation, optimism, resilience and confidence that the state serves the needs of every citizen, in a fair, efficient way and in a clean, balanced and integrated environment.

According to Vorley, (2002), structural transformation is the process of shifting resource allocation to high productivity systems so that the economy can sustain a higher standard of living for the entire population. Competent administrative activity, ensuring compliance with the law and ensuring citizens' access to information of public interest are issues related to effective governance.

Given the above, but also that the field of Sustainable Development is a very broad field, it is imperative to mention the question of research for this paper: "What is the public opinion of citizens on sustainable development in general as and the objectives of sustainable development within the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania 2030?”. In this matter this paper presents the current context and situation of the Sustainable Development in Romania and also the analysis of the first two sociological researches within the “Sustainable Romania” project of Operational Program Administrative Capacity co-financed by the European Union, from the European Social Fund (SIPOCA 613), with the indicative RD01 and RD02, aimed at measuring the general level of public opinion on Sustainable Development

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