Treatment Case Studies and Emissions Analysis of Wood in Yagya: Integrating Spirituality and Healthcare With Science

Treatment Case Studies and Emissions Analysis of Wood in Yagya: Integrating Spirituality and Healthcare With Science

Rohit Rastogi, Sheelu Sagar, Neeti Tandon, Priyanshi Garg, Mukund Rastogi
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJBCE.2021070103
(Individual Articles)
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The mantra becomes more powerful when that sound is chanted in front of purified fire and light; sound and heat energy mixtures are converted into high level of energy and spread around the atmosphere. Through this paper, the well experienced author team of various domains is continuously working in experimenting in joint collaboration with different GoI departments. They have observed the slow but continuous progress in different ails on many subjects through scientific study and approach. The main case studies where the patients got significant benefits through this alternate therapy have been systematically presented here. The power of yajna and mantra has attracted the intellectuals of this era. In the future, we may expect some automated intelligent healthcare expert system using this way of life. Yagya science and its treatment power of different diseases is surprising; the need is that current science should accept it logically with an open mind and heart and let the humanity take the complete benefit of it.
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Nano Yagya, a New Therapy to Cure Diseases

The rainy season has started. Due to rain, the family members are suffering from many infectious diseases like cold, cold, fever, and eye. The Researchers of Indian vedic science have claimed that if a Nano Yagya is performed for at least 15 days in the house and all the people of the family are involved in it, then they can avoid these diseases. If anyone is suffering then he will get relief from the disease.

The Gayatri family is now going to open Yagna therapy center in every city where they have Shaktipeeth. After research and experiments on Yajna therapy, treatment of diseases has been started with Yajna.

Pranayam Brings Relief Along With Havan

Dr. Vandana Srivastava, an expert doctor at Haridwar, states that in the case of a critical illness, the patient undergoes a medical checkup only first and as per their condition, the course of treatment is decided and only an expert doctor is assigned to take care of the whole situation (As per Fig. 1).

Figure 1.

Yagya, a holistic approach to cure the physical and mental diseases


Background and Significance of Yagya Therapy

Yagya therapy is an ethno-botanical inhalation therapy derived from the ancient medical science of India. The multiple benefits of Yagya include purification of atmospheric environment and healthy fertilization of soil. Yagya therapy as the most effective and the fastest therapy(Mohammad, F. et al., 2014), (Gia, T.N. et al., 2015).

Positive Energy and Resources as per Bovi’s Scale

French Scientist who developed a scale to measure the life force among food items. His French friend Simon also helped to develop it. Many times, Vastu person and others measure the life force of place, objects or entities through Bovis meter scale (as per Fig. 2) (Dimiter V. Dimitrov, MD. et al., 2016).

Figure 2.

The energy of different places measured in Bovis


Scientific Meaning of Religious and Manglik Meaning

In the Bovis Scale, readings are evaluated as follows:

  • 0 – 6,500 NEGATIVE REALM, or life detracting.

  • 1,000 Processed or refined foods, 2,000 Pressure cooked foods, 3,000 Grilled foods / cell phones / GMO.

  • 4,500 Computers, 5,000 Microwave oven, 5,500 A sick Person, 6,500 NEUTRAL, 7,000 Vegan / Raw Foods.

  • 8,000 A Person in fair health, 9,000 A Person in average health, 10,000 A Person in good health.

  • 12,000 POSITIVE REALM, 13,000 Positive thought forms, 16,000 Emoto Water, 24,000 SPIRITUAL REALM.

  • 50,000 COSMIC REALM. Above 6,500 The energy gradually becomes more Positive or life supporting. Between 8,000 – 10,000 is the desired minimal energy level for humans 10,000 and above Toxins begin reversing spin. detach themselves from cells and tissues. Better detoxification with no harm to the body (As per Fig.3) (Dr S., et al., 1999).

Figure 3.

Bovi’s scale on different realms


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