Wine Tourism in Romania: Case Study: Dealu Mare Vineyard

Wine Tourism in Romania: Case Study: Dealu Mare Vineyard

Adrian Nedelcu
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/ijsem.2014040102
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Romanian wine growing heritage, with an impressive historical past and the rich cultural heritage and traditions related to wine, to highlight the considerable potential in terms of development of wine tourism in Romania, factors that attract and motivate this new form of tourism, respectively planning a network of traditional themed routes in the region of Dealu Mare, emphasizing the significant parameters needed for a successful organization of this network. The analysis of the wine tourism situation in Romania and identification of factors with important role in attracting and motivating the wine tourists represents an important step in the field of wine research, through knowledge of the economic efficiency of production in wine-growing farms, finding the possibility to increase the effectiveness of investment in this area, which will allow everyone to realize the possible recommendations for the future.
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In Romania, theoretical and practical approaches connected to wine tourism are very few compared to other European countries or in the New World (Australia, New Zealand or the United States of America), where the first comparative studies in this field appear in the ´90, especially after the first conference dedicated to this type of tourism, held from 3 to 5 May 1998 at Leeuwin Estate, Margaret River wine growing region (Western Australia). The wine tourism and its intimate ties with rural tourism, agro tourism, cultural tourism or gastronomic tourism have set in the attention of many researchers, such as: Hall (1996), Mitchell and Hall (2003) in New Zealand; Gilbert (1992), Medina and Tresserras (2008) in Spain; Pavan (1994), Cinelli (2004) in Italy; Dodd (1995), Skinner (2000) in U.S.A.; Getz and Brown (2006) in Canada; Thevenin (1996), Frochot (2000) in France; Macionis (1999), Carlsen and Dowling (2001), Bruwer (2003), Pratt (2011) in Australia; Preston-Whyte (2000) in South Africa. In Romania, the roots of wine tourism are very deep, but about its development we can barely speak in the late '90s, when the Halewood International Ltd group (the largest independent house producer of wines and alcoholic drinks from United Kingdom) established Halewood Romania with three main areas of activity- viticulture, wine making and marketing of Romanian wines, with the desire ... to be there where people spend their holidays or where they relax and they can do it in the company of a true wine and quality”.

Generally regarded as a traditional form of tourism, at the same time dynamic and alternative, wine tourism can bring a major contribution to the regional and local development. This is why rural environment is considered, rightly, as the depositary of the resources for a new beginning of a new economic thinking. In this way, the wine sector represents an area of national importance, a priority in the strategy of sustainable development of the Romanian agriculture, sector which may contribute to the rediscovery of Romania as a possible tourist destination, as well as the multiplication of the interest for the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area (Soare et al., 2010). The same wine sector also offers a wide range of experiences through cultural tourism, rural, wine, active holidays and even business opportunities.

Positioning of wine tourism as one of the forms of tourism with broad perspectives of development in the region of Dealu Mare is thoroughly supported by the presence of a picturesque landscape, with a wide variety of cultural and historical values, popular art, ethnography, folklore, traditions and archaeological remains.

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