IGI Global Teaching Cases

Supporting innovation through over 2,800 teaching cases

Real-World Relevancy

Each case study includes an executive summary, background information, project description, current status of the case/project, epilogue and lessons learned, additional resources for further research, as well as teaching notes with questions and answers for discussion.


Utilize our advanced teaching case search to discover cases in a variety of themes, industries, regions, levels, and subject areas. Allows you to select the most relevant teaching cases for your needs.

Integral Resources

Allows instructors to combine theory with experience by promoting analytical thinking and classroom discussion. Request an examination copy to review before adopting for your classroom!

Teaching Through Real-Life Examples

Teaching cases are a wonderful resource for instructors, students, and independent researchers. They encourage analytical thinking and discussion and are an excellent supplement for research and classroom instruction. Choose from more than 2,800 teaching cases covering real-life examples of global implementation, utilization, and management of innovative research concepts, new technologies, and methodologies across IGI Global's three academic subjects, including Business & Management, Scientific, Technical, & Medical (STM), and Education.

Easily Find a Case Study at the Click of a Button

IGI Global's comprehensive teaching case search function allows you to easily find the perfect case for your class. Use the drop-down menus on the right side of the search page to narrow your search by a range of themes, industries, and subjects, or by region or classroom level. Locate an intriguing case, then click “View Sample PDF” to read the beginning of the case for yourself. You can also request a complimentary examination copy of the full case by using the convenient “Request Examination Copy” link.

Affordable Pricing for Students

For any of our cases adopted for classroom use, professors can choose from three (3) convenient delivery options, and obtain their case for the special student price of US$ 4 per case, per student. Teaching cases are also available at a competitive price for individuals. Supplementary teaching notes are free of charge to instructors and can be requested by e-mailing: cust@igi-global.com. Learn more about all teaching case delivery options.