Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment

Release Date: February, 2024|Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 392
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0880-6
ISBN13: 9798369308806|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369345603|EISBN13: 9798369308813
Funding Information: This book is being published under Platinum Open Access through funding from the Hamdan Foundation.
Description & Coverage

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment explores the dynamic and evolving field of education. This book is a testament to the ever-advancing landscape of education, examining four pivotal domains reshaping the educational experience.

The first domain provides innovative teaching methodologies, and delves into the transformative power of active learning, gamification, and project-based learning. An emphasis is placed on their effectiveness in engaging students and fostering deeper learning. This section also showcases the integration of technology, from virtual and augmented reality tools to enriching the classroom experience.

Leadership's paramount role in shaping educational institutions is the focus of the second domain. It underscores the significance of visionary leadership in fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation. With insights into distributed leadership models, transformational leadership, and innovative teacher retention strategies, this section equips educational leaders to drive positive change.

The third domain introduces the intriguing realm of chatbots and educational technologies. It unpacks the potential of chatbots in personalizing learning and enhancing engagement. Furthermore, it navigates through the transformative impact of educational technologies, from hybrid learning models to adaptive learning tools, while addressing the ethical considerations surrounding their implementation.

The final domain is dedicated to the revolution in assessment and evaluation practices. It evaluates traditional assessment methods, highlighting their limitations. The section explores progressive forms of assessment, such as performance-based and formative assessments, and advocates for data-driven instruction to enhance student learning. Additionally, it delves into the responsible integration of AI in education.

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Teaching, Leadership, Technology, and Assessment offers a view of the latest educational developments. It underscores the critical role of innovation in reshaping education and provides actionable insights for educators, administrators, researchers, and policymakers alike. This book is an indispensable resource for educators, administrators, researchers, and policymakers towards implementing cutting-edge innovations that elevate the teaching and learning experience.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Active Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Assessment Strategies
  • Chatbots in Education
  • Education Innovation
  • Educational Leadership
  • Educational Technology
  • Formative Assessment
  • Gamification
  • Hybrid Learning
  • Leadership in Education
  • Performance-Based Assessment
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Teaching Methods
  • Virtual Reality in Education
Reviews & Statements

I am a strong advocate for a transformational approach in education. Achieving this vision requires the collaboration of all leadership members and the integration of modern technology alongside state-of-the-art teaching strategies.

– Hosam Badawy

Assessment plays a critical role in driving positive changes in data-driven schools and the continuous improvement environment. This research details how the degree of effective implementation of assessment has helped transform schools that strive for quality in their continuous improvement and improving their systems and that of student outcomes. The provided details serve as a roadmap for all schools to implement rigorous assessment systems and ensure accountability and positive results. Additionally, the research explores lessons learned by effective schools, while highlighting the benefits, challenges, and recommendations for implementation of effective assessment strategies.

– Suleiman Hamdan
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Editor/Author Biographies
Asma Khaleel Abdallah , an experienced academic and practitioner, previously served as an Assistant Professor at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), College of Education, and at Abu Dhabi University before her tenure at Sharjah Education Academy (SEA). Specializing in Education Leadership with a Ph.D. from Jordan University, her career encompasses significant roles such as a high school principal in schools for gifted students, an inspector, and an educational consultant. Dr. Abdallah's research focuses on education administration, online learning, and teacher development, tackling innovative teacher licensing, diverse leadership styles, and the impact of COVID-19 on education. She has published extensively, contributing to various international journals and edited books. Her notable works include "Re-structuring Leadership for School Improvement and Reform" and numerous chapters on leadership, teacher empowerment, and inclusive education. At UAEU, she used to be part of the Schools Development Committee, where she evaluated educational programs, conducted needs assessments, and developed professional development strategies. Her dedication to enhancing educational methods and policies is evident in her accomplishments, such as receiving the Jordanian Independence Medal - First Class, and securing multiple research grants aimed at improving teaching, leadership, and assessment practices. Dr. Abdallah is known for her ability to integrate cutting-edge educational trends and best practices into her work, contributing to the field through her leadership and commitment to educational excellence. Fluent in Arabic and English, she brings a diverse and inclusive perspective to her work, continually striving to improve the quality of education. Dr. Asma Khaleel Abdallah currently continues her impactful work at Sharjah Education Academy in Sharjah, UAE.
Ahmed Alkaabi is an assistant professor in the Foundations of Education Department––College of Education at United Arab Emirates University. He is currently serving as the Coordinator of the Master of the Educational Innovation Program. During the academic year 2022/2023, he held the position of Director at the Emirates Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment at UAEU. His educational qualifications include a Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Policy with an emphasis on supervision from the University of Georgia–Athens, USA (2019). Dr. Alkaabi also earned two master’s degrees––the first in School Leadership from United Arab Emirates University in 2014 and the second in Educational Administration from Ohio State University, USA in 2015. During his decorated journey, he was the recipient of two distinguished academic awards: the Ray Bruce Award in 2017 for his dedicated work and projects in the field of instructional supervision, and the Faculty Award in 2019 for his accomplishments in the Educational Administration and Policy Doctoral Program at the University of Georgia. His research interests reflect his expertise in school leadership, specifically in the areas of supervision, evaluation, induction, and professional development.
Rashid Alriyami is an enthusiast for youth leadership and development with a well-established career in education and training. 20+ years of professional experience in academic and non-academic government entities across the UAE, inspiring thousands of employees, university students, and school students through bespoke training programs and initiatives. Held multiple leadership positions in the education and health sectors. A published author and an avid public speaker in academia and industry.
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