Handbook of Research on Transitional Justice and Peace Building in Turbulent Regions

Handbook of Research on Transitional Justice and Peace Building in Turbulent Regions

Release Date: December, 2015|Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 559
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9675-4
ISBN13: 9781466696754|ISBN10: 1466696753|EISBN13: 9781466696761
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Description & Coverage

In the era of globalization, awareness surrounding issues of violence and human rights violations has reached an all-time high. In a world where billions of human beings have the potential to create endless destruction, these same individuals are capable of working cooperatively to create adequate solutions to current global problems.

The Handbook of Research on Transitional Justice and Peace Building in Turbulent Regions focuses on current issues facing nations and regions where poverty and conflict are endangering the lives of citizens as well as the socio-economic viability of those regions. Highlighting crucial topics and offering potential solutions to problems relating to domestic and international conflict, societal safety and security, as well as political instability, this comprehensive publication is designed to meet the research needs of economists, social theorists, politicians, policy makers, human rights activists, researchers, and graduate-level students across disciplines.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing Nations
  • Global Peace Index
  • Human Rights Violations
  • International Relations
  • Non-Violent Action
  • Sustainable Peace
  • War and International Conflict
Reviews & Statements

Political scientists present a range of theoretical views on conflict, violence, nonviolence, transitional justice, and peace building, with extended case studies of Iraq and Columbia and shorter case studies of other countries. Their topics include reparations for children and youth as a peace-building mechanism, informality and informalization among Eritrean refugees: why migration does not provide a lesson in democracy, post-conflict justice in Cambodia: the legacy of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, reconciliation of identity groups in Iraq, conflict analysis and political means of ethnic accommodation, and four case studies and multi-site ethnography on transitional justice and indigenous jurisdiction processes in Columbia.

– ProtoView Reviews

As our world becomes more connected through technology, education, and commerce, it becomes imperative that we focus our attentions on the many, often long-standing, regional conflicts which threaten these connections. This volume in the Advances in Public Policy and Administration book series examines the local and global impacts of regional unrest and its aftermath from many unique perspectives, with a goal of increasing awareness and cultivating solutions to the many causes behind it.
Twenty-three chapters are organized into four sections which focus generally on peace building and maintenance in turbulent zones, in addition to the particular challenges of Iraq and Colombia. The opening section, Transitional Justice and Peace Building in Turbulent Regions, offers chapters on reconciliation, nonviolent action, negotiation, reparations for children, and more. Enduring Turbulences and Elusive Peace next explores the concepts of authoritarianism, migration, post-conflict justice systems, and more via the examples of Eritrea, Cambodia, Rwanda, and the Arab zone. The final two sections provide an in-depth look at two countries currently bearing out the effects of longstanding conflict: Iraq and Colombia. Topics particular to Iraq include the dynamics of ethnic accommodation, the history of Iraqi authoritarianism, and the corruption within the reconstruction economy established by the Coalition Provisional Authority after its 2003 invasion. Seven chapters then round out the book with a look at Colombia within such contexts as indigenous and displaced peoples, an extractive economy, retaliation, and political/criminal insurgencies.
While complex in scope, the chapters are well organized with a generous use of paragraph headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, and definitions. End pages compile each chapter’s references, offer brief contributor biographies, and include an index. Other volumes in this series cover the general topics of politics, public administration, resource allocation and much more. This handbook would be highly useful to educators, policy-makers, economists, activists, students, and many others.

– ARBA Staff Reviewer
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Editor/Author Biographies
Fredy Cante is a researcher and Associated Professor, Centro de Estudios Políticos Internacionales, Facultad de Ciencia Política y de Gobierno de la Universidad del Rosario. Academic Qualification: Economist, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 1993. PhD in Economic Science, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Doctoral Thesis: Individual Freedom and Feasible Opportunities. 2009. Visiting Scholar: Columbia University, New York, during autumn of 2001. Department: Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP). Output: Individual Rights and Strategic Interaction (working paper). Tutor: Jon Elster, Department of Political Science. Short courses about nonviolent political action: Fletcher Summer Institute for the advanced study in nonviolent conflict, Organized by The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and Tufts University, Boston, July 2006. Teaching nonviolent political action, organized by The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, Istanbul, August 2010 Experience and Research Research: nonviolent political action, civil war, and collective action.
Hartmut Quehl has studied History, Political Sciences and Islamic Studies in Marburg, Freiburg, Damascus and Hanover. Since 2008 he is director of the Felsberg Institute for Education and Academic Research (FIBW). His research interest lays on peace and conflict research, post-conflict reconstruction, social and everyday life history of wartimes, oral history and qualitative empiricism. His current research is on the transformation of victorious liberation fronts into governments during the cold war and the post-cold war era, and on the changing faces of violent conflict after the cold war, both under comparative aspects.
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