Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing

Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing

Release Date: February, 2021|Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 393
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7156-9
ISBN13: 9781799871569|ISBN10: 1799871568|EISBN13: 9781799871583
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Description & Coverage

As computers continue to remain essential tools for the pursuit of physics, medicine, economics, social sciences, and more, supercomputers are proving that they can further extend and greatly enhance as-of-yet undiscovered knowledge and solve the world’s most complex problems. As these instruments continue to lead to groundbreaking discoveries and breakthroughs, it is imperative that research remains up to date with the latest findings and uses.

The Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing is a comprehensive and critical reference book that provides research on the latest advances of control flow and dataflow supercomputing and highlights selected emerging big data applications needing high acceleration and/or low power. Consequently, this book advocates the need for hybrid computing, where the control flow part represents the host architecture and dataflow part represents the acceleration architecture. These issues cover the initial eight chapters. The remaining eight chapters cover selected modern applications that are best implemented on a hybrid computer, in which the transactional parts (serial code) are implemented on the control flow part and the loops (parallel code) on the dataflow part. These final eight chapters cover two major application domains: scientific computing and computing for digital economy. This book offers applications in marketing, medicine, energy systems, and library science, among others, and is an essential source for scientists, programmers, engineers, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the latest findings and advancements in supercomputing.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Brain Stimulation
  • Cellular Automata
  • Chatbots
  • Control Flow
  • Dataflow
  • Deep Learning
  • Digital Twin
  • Electric Energy Systems
  • Forest Fire Simulation
  • Genomics
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Healthcare Applications
  • High Performance Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Marketing Applications
  • Mobile Systems
  • Multi-Core Architectures
  • Recommender Systems
  • Signal Weighting
  • Supercomputer-on-a-Chip
Reviews & Statements

"I want to commend Dr. Veljko Milutinovic and Dr. Milos Kotlar for having completed this volume in the timely field of supercomputing in these difficult times, and I want to share their optimism regarding its use as a textbook around the world."

– Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, Nobel Laureate, Switzerland

"Our complex and fast-moving world meets big data issues that call for reliable, efficient analysis and prompt response. A most advanced approach to dealing with these issues is presented in this book where algorithms of Control Flow represent the host architecture of supercomputers and Data Flow represents the acceleration architecture. A comprehensive list of applications is illustrated in the book including natural language processing, medical research, customer-oriented studies, and many more."

– Prof. Dan Shechtman, Nobel Laureate, Israel

"Supercomputers have become a ubiquitous instrument in many areas of science and technology. Very hard to imagine modern physics, biology or chemistry without the use of this versatile tool. The breakthroughs in the development of supercomputers expand the range of problems we can tackle. Supercomputers, as well as specialised computers will undoubtedly contribute significantly to the overall landscape of discoveries in many different disciplines in the future."

– Prof. Konstantin Novoselov, Nobel Laureate, National University of Singapore, Singapore

"It’s clear that computers can do anything, as the pioneers already recognised, and it’s probably only a matter of time before they can perform any of the kinds of tasks we humans take for granted quicker than blinking. I guess this book represents a stage on this exciting and very important journey."

– Prof. Tim Hunt, Nobel Laureate, UK

"Computers have become essential tools for the pursuit of both experimental and theoretical physics, as well as synthetic chemistry, paleontology, the medical sciences, economics the social sciences and so much more. Science, being the most international of all endeavors, will be well served by this important book, which honors the golden anniversary of the creation of Montinegro’s Academy of Science."

– Prof. Sheldon Glashow, Nobel Laureate, Boston University and Harvard University, USA

"Humankind’s continuing quests to uncover, understand, and utilize the secrets of nature have been greatly enhanced and will be further extended by the power of supercomputers."

– Prof. Jerome I Friedman, Nobel Laureate, USA

"I wish to congratulate very warmly the Montenegrin Academy of Arts and Sciences on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary and wish the CANU a highly successful future. Science shapes the Future of Mankind."

– Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Laureate, France

"Aim high, stay grounded! These four crisp words of wisdom accompany the best wishes for the 50th anniversary of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts."

– Prof. Stefan Hell, Nobel Laureate, Germany
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Editor/Author Biographies

Veljko Milutinović (1951) received his PhD from the University of Belgrade in Serbia, spent about a decade on various faculty positions in the USA (mostly at Purdue University and more recently at the University of Indiana in Bloomington), and was a co-designer of the DARPAs pioneering GaAs RISC microprocessor on 200MHz (about a decade before the first commercial effort on that same speed) and was a co-designer also of the related GaAs Systolic Array (with 4096 GaAs microprocessors). Later, for almost three decades, he taught and conducted research at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, for departments of EE, MATH, BA, and PHYS/CHEM. His research is mostly in data mining algorithms and dataflow computing, with the emphasis on mapping of data analytics algorithms onto fast energy efficient architectures. Most of his research was done in cooperation with industry (Intel, Fairchild, Honeywell, Maxeler, HP, IBM, NCR, RCA, etc.). For 20 of his edited books, publication forewords or other contributions were written by 20 different Nobel Laureates with whom he cooperated on his past industry sponsored projects. He published 40 books (mostly in the USA), he has over 100 papers in SCI journals (mostly in IEEE and ACM journals), and he presented invited talks at over 400 destinations worldwide. He has well over 1000 Thomson-Reuters WoS citations, well over 1000 Elsevier SCOPUS citations, and well over 5000 Google Scholar citations. His Google Scholar h index is equal to 40. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE since 2003 and a Member of The Academy of Europe since 2011. He is a member of the Serbian National Academy of Engineering and a Foreign Member of the Montenegrin National Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Miloš Kotlar received his B.Sc. (2016) and M.Sc. (2017) degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. His general research interests include implementation of energy efficient tensor implementations using the dataflow paradigm (FPGA and ASIC accelerators) and meta learning approaches for anomaly detection tasks.

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