A Case for Enterprise Interoperability in Healthcare IT: Personal Health Record Systems

A Case for Enterprise Interoperability in Healthcare IT: Personal Health Record Systems

Mustafa Yuksel, Asuman Dogac, Cebrail Taskin, Anil Yalcinkaya
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8756-1.ch054
(Individual Chapters)
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The PHR systems need to be integrated with a wide variety of healthcare IT systems including EHRs, electronic medical devices, and clinical decision support services to get their full benefit. It is not possible to sustain the integration of PHRs with other healthcare IT systems in a proprietary way; this integration has to be achieved by exploiting the promising interoperability standards and profiles. This chapter provides a survey and analysis of the interoperability standards and profiles that can be used to integrate PHRs with a variety of healthcare applications and medical data resources, including EHR systems to enable access of a patient to his own medical data generated by healthcare professionals; personal medical devices to obtain the patient's instant physiological status; and the clinical decision support services for patient-physician shared decision making.
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A Motivating Example

Mr. Smith visits his general practitioner (GP) with the symptoms of pain in his joints. The results of laboratory tests as well as radiographs indicate rheumatoid arthritis with high risk of damage in the joints. The GP refers the patient to a rheumatologist in the local hospital.

The local hospital that Mr. Smith is referred to has a care management system for rheumatoid arthritis, which provides a care plan for shared decision making between the physician and the patient to help them monitor the progress jointly. The care plan is a workflow based on “National clinical guideline for management and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults,” and it is processed and visualized through a clinical decision support service.

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