A Good Assurance of Food Security Requires a Good Understanding of the Plant-Soil-Water-Living Being and Climate Change Interaction

A Good Assurance of Food Security Requires a Good Understanding of the Plant-Soil-Water-Living Being and Climate Change Interaction

Nassima Amiri, Mohammed Yacoubi Khebiza, Mohammed Messouli
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9838-5.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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The impacts of climate change on agriculture can have repercussions on global food security. Losses in agricultural yield can lead to food shortages and increases in food prices, particularly affecting the most vulnerable populations. Climate change can result in food insecurity due to water resource scarcity, while soil degradation may worsen production problems. A quality harvest depends on optimal climatic conditions. However, climate change, characterized by infrequent or irregular precipitation and high temperatures, leads to a decrease in yield on one hand. On the other hand, these climate changes have an additional negative impact by deteriorating soils and reducing water resources through evaporation, reaching yield limits. Within this chapter, the authors explore the different interactions between plants, soil, water, and climate change. The objective is to design strategies specifically tailored to the changing climatic context, thus enabling the development of an agricultural sector that is both resilient and sustainable.
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Plants are closely connected to the soil and water, forming an interconnected ecosystem (Huntley, 2023). Climate variations have a direct impact on plant growth (Raza et al., 2019), soil health (Mondal, 2021), and water availability (Konapala et al., 2020). For example, higher temperatures can affect plant metabolism and alter their growth cycle (Nievola et al., 2017), while precipitation scarcity can lead to a decrease in soil moisture (Soares & Lima, 2022), thereby affecting the ability of plants to absorb the necessary nutrients and water (Seleiman et al., 2021).

Furthermore, climate change can also have indirect consequences on water resources (Hughes et al., 2021). For instance, temperature increase can result in higher evaporation of water from soils and reservoirs (Si et al., 2022), reducing their availability for agriculture. This water scarcity, coupled with soil degradation caused by phenomena like erosion and salinization (Wang et al., 2023), can compromise agricultural productivity and worsen food insecurity.

In the face of these challenges, the primary goal is to clarify the interactions among plants, soil, water, living beings, and climate change, by identifying the relationship of each component with climate change, to build a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector capable of adapting to climate change. This requires developing appropriate strategies that consider the interactions among plants, soil, water, and climate change. For example, it is essential to promote sustainable agricultural practices aimed at improving ecosystem health and enhancing crop resilience against climate fluctuations (El Chami et al., 2020). These practices include agroforestry, conservation agriculture, mixed cropping systems, efficient irrigation, composting, agricultural waste recycling, crop rotation, and organic and integrated farming systems. These approaches promote biodiversity, preserve soil fertility, and mitigate risks associated with climate change, offering long-term benefits for more resilient and sustainable agricultural systems.

The deployment of sustainable agricultural practices faces several challenges, including resistance to change among farmers, lack of knowledge and training, financial constraints, limited access to resources and technologies, as well as unfavorable policies and regulations.

Farmers may hesitate to adopt new practices requiring initial investments or significant changes. Moreover, the lack of adequate knowledge and training can be a major obstacle. High initial costs and restricted access to essential resources and technologies also complicate the transition to sustainable practices. Unfavorable policies and regulations can hinder the adoption of these practices in the absence of financial support or incentives.

To promote the adoption of these practices, various stakeholders play a crucial role. Governments and international organizations can design supportive policies and programs offering financial incentives. Research and training institutions can develop training programs and conduct research to improve these practices. NGOs can provide direct support to farmers, propose local initiatives, and raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable practices. Agricultural businesses and agro-food industries can encourage the adoption of sustainable practices by promoting responsible supply chains and rewarding environmentally friendly practices.

By collaborating and coordinating their efforts, these stakeholders can overcome implementation obstacles and promote widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

This chapter underscores the complex interdependence among plants, soil, water, living beings, and climate change. Plants play a key role in absorbing CO2 and producing oxygen through photosynthesis, while soil provides vital habitat and nutrients for plants and soil organisms. Living beings, including humans, depend on plants for food and oxygen, while plants require water and soil nutrients to survive. However, climate change disrupts this delicate interaction with rising temperatures, more frequent droughts, and extreme weather events that alter natural cycles and water availability.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Agricultural Pests: Also known as parasites or agricultural nuisances, refer to harmful organisms that attack crops and cultivated plants, leading to damages and significant losses for agriculture. These organisms can include insects, mites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, or rodents, among others.

Water: A colorless, odorless, and flavorless liquid that is indispensable for the existence of all known living organisms. It is the most abundant substance found on the Earth's surface and serves a crucial function in a wide range of biological, chemical, and physical activities. Depending on temperature and pressure, water can exist in three states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor).

Climate Change: This encompasses long-term changes in climatic data within a specific region or on a global scale, including variations in temperatures, precipitation, winds, and other features. These fluctuations are commonly linked to influences such as human activities, natural cycles, or other external factors.

Soil: Soil is a naturally occurring, intricate, and ever-changing blend of minerals, organic substances, water, air, and living organisms that blankets the Earth's land surface. It develops through the interplay of geological, biological, climatic, and topographical forces over extended periods.

Living Being: A living being, also referred to as an organism, is a sophisticated and structured entity that demonstrates the fundamental attributes of life. These attributes encompass the capacity for growth, reproduction, response to stimuli, maintenance of internal stability (homeostasis), and engagement in metabolism (the acquisition and utilization of energy).

Plants: A plant is a living organism belonging to the plant kingdom, characterized by its ability to produce its own food through the process of photosynthesis. Plants are multicellular beings, generally immobile, and typically grow rooted in the soil.

Interaction: This refers to a dynamic process where two entities, elements, or individuals interact with each other by mutually acting upon and influencing one another. It is a reciprocal exchange that can take various forms depending on the context, often involving communication or a relationship between the involved parties.

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