A Paradigm Shift in Human Resource Policies: Adaptation of the Neuro Style of Leadership

A Paradigm Shift in Human Resource Policies: Adaptation of the Neuro Style of Leadership

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4350-0.ch012
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In light of the dynamic and rapid changing environment, the need for dynamic functions of HR is of great need for all corporates, and the varying part of HR managers is an imperative that dealt with explicitly to strengthen employee performance and their well-being. This study on neuroleadership has come up with some suggestions related to strategic leadership strategies to be adopted by human resource leaders in their organisations for better upliftment of the sentiments of the employees, resulting in a joyful and happy working environment. Likewise, management or stakeholders are recommended to spend more on training employees of their HR officials for better remote working, introducing pay cuts as a substitute for layoffs, hiring medical experts to curb the spread of viruses, crafting employee resource groups, and finally encouraging unwell workers to remain at home. Finally, strategic decision-making powers should be given to the human resources department so that they can work on the smooth running of their organisation.
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Following the pandemic, society demanded a more equitable and environmentally friendly society and economy. The Agenda for 2030 establishes some benchmarks for achieving SDO's sustainable development objectives, where the priority is to facilitate employee well-being at the workplace (Keynejad et al., 2023). As it is a proven fact, that human resource management, i.e., HRM, is considered one of the most essential purposes among the other departmental tasks due to its distinctive nature of duties, it minutely manages exclusive resources common to all organisations, such as employees and stakeholders, which are even considered the backbone for the smooth running of every organisation (Opatha & Uresha, 2020). Human resource management works to achieve organizational vision, mission, objectives, and goals in an effective and efficient way with proper utilization of human resources by matching their skill set with the job profile and then finally forming a hierarchy from top to bottom for smooth running. Now a days, the concept of neuroleadership has played a significant role in strengthening the leadership skills among leaders with the adoption of findings in neuroscience, where understanding of human interaction in cognitive, social, and neural manners has given a different environment to the working style of employees working in any organisation (Gocen, 2021). Companies are interested in cultivating leadership-centere decision-making among the HR managers, where they manage the cognitive processes and emotions of employees to build a cosy environment at the workplace. Understanding the biological processes underlying decision-making is important for leadership and cognitive neuroscience, which in turn shapes an environment for employees where they feel motivated and associated with the organisation's culture, leading to a higher rate of performance (Hecht et al., 2013).

Marescaux and Forrier (2019) have stated that appropriate HRM is the forerunner for an employee who determines organizational values and takes care of their wellbeing, contribution, and development. Even other roles that are performed and fall under HRM like health and safety, selection, rewards, training and development, recruitment, planning, induction, etc., which make this department play a critical role in achieving the personal and organizational goals of employees and stakeholders in an appropriate way. Various studies in the past have acknowledged evidence by confirming a direct relationship between employee well-being and HRM practices practiced in different corporate and the same has been reflected when relationships related to employee performance and employee well-being were studied, and it was evident that employee performance and employee well-being are positively correlated (Robertson & Cooper, 2011; Wright & Cropanzano, 2000). The World Health Organization (2020) detailed that coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a contagious disease having its roots in Hubei Province, China, in December 2019, and due to this, the WHO has alarmed and declared that this virus is a deadly disease as it can mutate very fast and has spread worldwide. As per the World Health Organization, the root cause of this deadly disease still seems to be controversial, and they are unlikely to determine whether the illness is organic or artificially created by humans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a bigger accountability now rests with the human resources department, which is to safeguard their employees health and safety. Among other distinctive duties of the HR department, upholding workplace health and safety programs has become critical for all organizations in the world (Opatha, 2020).

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