A Probe into the Effectiveness of Non-English Majors' SMS-Based English Idiom Acquisition in China

A Probe into the Effectiveness of Non-English Majors' SMS-Based English Idiom Acquisition in China

Jiahong Jiang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8789-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Idioms, an indispensable part of English vocabulary acquisition, play an important role in second language learning. Mobile learning has broken through the constraints of time, space in learning. The present study explored the effectiveness of English idiom instructing and learning based on one form of mobile learning—SMS (Short Message Service). Compared with context-based approach and self-study approach, SMS-based approach was more effective in teaching English idioms for non-English majors in China. The findings of the study showed that students who regularly received short mini-lessons of English idioms via SMS on their mobile phones were more interested in learning and gained more in acquiring English idioms than their peers on pamphlets or context.
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Sms And Language Learning

Since the start of mobile technologies made their presence felt in the field of education, M-learning has been regarded as a new generation of e-learning due to the typical features of mobile devices, that is, practicality, effectiveness, high availability (Stockwell, 2010). It is reported that now mobile phones has outnumbered people in many countries across the world (Thornton & Houser, 2003). And a growing number of people have mobile phones or other similar mobile devices on them daily. Therefore, m-learning has emerged as an important potential instrument for lifelong learning (Stockwell, 2010). As one of the technologies used to aid learners in foreign language learning, mobile phones are also dominant in most Chinese university students’ life. They are not just communication devices but also learning instruments. Thus, this technology has become a new approach to language learning, called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) (Thornton & Houser, 2005).

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