A Randomized Cloud Library Security Environment

A Randomized Cloud Library Security Environment

A. V. N. Krishna
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4631-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Cloud computing is leading the technology development of today’s communication scenario. This is because of its cost-efficiency and flexibility. In Cloud computing vast amounts of data are stored in varied and distributed environments, and security to data is of prime concern. RSA or Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) provides a secure means of message transmission among communicating hosts using Diffie Hellman Key Exchange algorithm or ElGamal algorithm. By having key lengths of 160 bits, the ECC algorithm provides sufficient strength against crypto analysis and its performance can be compared with standard algorithms like RSA with a bit length of 1024 bits. In the present work, the plain text is converted to cipher text using RSA or ECC algorithms. As the proposed model is intended to be used in Cloud environment, a probabilistic mathematical model is also used. While the data is being retrieved from the servers, a query is being used which uses the mathematical model to search for the data which is still in encryption form. Final decryption takes place only at user’s site by using the private keys. Thus the security model provides the fundamental security services like Authentication, Security, and Confidentiality to the transmitted message and also provides sufficient strength against crypto analysis in Cloud environment.
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Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams (see Figure 1). Cloud computing entrusts remote services with user’s data, software, and computation.

Figure 1.

Cloud computing environment


Today many of the largest software companies operate almost entirely in the cloud, the top five software companies by sales revenue all have major cloud offerings, and the market as a whole is predicted to grow at a very fast pace. Yet, despite the trumpeted business and technical advantages of cloud computing, many potential cloud users have yet to join the cloud, and those major corporations that are cloud users are for the most part putting only their less sensitive data in the cloud.

Mell and Grance (2012) define the “security” concerns that are preventing companies from taking advantage of the cloud as:

  • Traditional Security

  • Availability

  • Third-Party Data Control

Traditional Security

These concerns involve computer and network intrusions or attacks that will be made possible or at least easier by moving to the cloud. Cloud providers respond to these concerns by arguing that their security measures and processes are more mature and tested than those of the average company.


These concerns center on critical applications and data being available. Well-publicized incidents of cloud outages include G mail, Amazon.

Third-Party Data Control

The legal implications of data and applications being held by a third party are complex and not well understood. There is also a potential lack of control and transparency when a third party holds the data. Part of the hype of cloud computing is that the cloud can be implementation independent, but in reality regulatory compliance requires transparency into the cloud.

All this is prompting some companies to build private clouds to avoid these issues and yet retain some of the advantages of cloud computing.

Digital library automation solutions provide timely, efficient and effective enterprise library management services, complete with easy-to-use library and knowledge management functionality. These transformative library services remove information access barriers, such as proprietary information silos, to seamlessly make information access equitable. The end result is open access throughout the organization to information services and resources such as: electronic journals, lab notes, databases or other knowledge assets.

  • Delivery of Core Library Services: Making them more efficient and accessible.

  • User Satisfaction: Due to improved information access and knowledge management.

  • Library Operations: Making them more streamlined and less costly.

  • The library’s ability to provide for future growth and changing information demands.

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