A Study in Image Creation Techniques in the Context of Visual Literacy

A Study in Image Creation Techniques in the Context of Visual Literacy

Nursel Bolat
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1534-1.ch002
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While the visual means visually based on vision, everything that can be seen with the broadest meaning is defined. In order to understand what is happening in nature, seeing is quite important and is familiar with the idea of seeing the leaps of thoughts in understanding the assets. However, the idea of visualization is taken by the eye as well as their meaning by the brain. It, therefore, includes the process of acquiring a lot of information on the basis of what is seen next to the sight. In the process of brain processing of images taken by the eye, the process of meaningful or related meaning in connection with education is also leading to the concept of visual literacy. The concept of visual literacy leads to visual narrative, visual culture, and technical narrative in the process of reading this visual culture. In the process of visual communication, the technical elements of the cinema, which are used in the formation of visual elements, are also used to solve the flow of information between the eye and the brain.
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Visual literacy was first ranked 19th. It was introduced in the second half of the century and has the character of a concept that has attracted great interest in the academic environment over time. Although the concept was initially defined as vision competence, it is suggested in structural studies that visual literacy relates beyond the structure of the eye to the learner's perception strategy, experience and sexual skills (Debes, 1968, pp. 961-964; Yilmaz, 2013, p. 102).Cultural theorist according to W.J.T.Mitchell, “the problem of the Twenty-First Century is the problem of the image”. Centuries of culture and, in particular, the dominance of words in western culture have come to an end. The new “pictorial turn” is that paintings no longer exist to entertain and explain, but rather become central to communication and meaning (Felten, 2008, p. 60). We are now faced with a visual spectacle in every field. The roots of today's popular entertainment past are also based on the show (Sirer, 2019a, p. 57). Today, photography, cinema, television etc. the rapid change in communication technologies and the digital age have changed the visual environment in the world considerably. The capacity to communicate with the visual language added alongside the spoken language has reached quite high levels. It has gained importance in reading and making sense of visual narrative as well as the necessity of reading and making sense of written words. The basis of visual literacy lies in its reliance on seeing.

All this shows that with the changes in the field of information and new technology, the literacy of print or writing, which includes oral communication, has lost its competence in order to adapt to the age experienced in it and to improve the quality of life. Media literacy, computer literacy, cultural literacy, social literacy, environmental literacy, visual literacy, and visual literacy the concept of literacy, such as was introduced (Kellner, 2001). Visual literacy, which is one of the leading concepts in this process of change, evolves over time towards the use and diversification of visual knowledge. Therefore, the concept of visual literacy and the visual language are also said to have acquired a universal language quality.

21st century, where visual elements such as television, advertising and the internet are at the forefront. Century visualism has ensured that visual literacy in the field of literacy is as important to the creative as it is to the viewer. It is now necessary to learn this language in connection with this process.

Visual Reading and making sense are valued by understanding indicators. Indicators are produced by people to communicate. A thought, an opinion, the existence of a new product is conveyed to another through the indicator. Thinking means using and operating indicators. The existence, sharing and development of thinking depends entirely on indicators. That is, it is thought through indicators and again it is spoken through indicators. The correct perception and interpretation of indicators is also realized by education, experience or social means (Günay, 2008, p. 2). While Özsoy considers visuals as a means of communicating information and thoughts more quickly and effectively than other means of communication (2003, 101), Leppert interprets them as an area of possibilities and possibilities that offer a way of inquiry, research and discovery that is difficult to articulate with words (2002, p. 17).According to gujdebord, visuals are images and navigational objects consumed in a manner detached from real life and from real needs (Barnard, 2002, p. 13). In order to accurately read these visual messages surrounding the individual, regardless of its function, there is a visual text in which these images are transmitted, and it raises the need to be visually literate. Visual literacy, which has the characteristics of thinking,learning and self-expression through visual images, enters into people's lives in harmony with the developing age, while visual elements come to the fore in technological developments, brings with it the concept of visual literacy.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Image Text: Image or visual message is not only limited to entertaining, understanding or perceiving people, but also as a method or process that enables them to concentrate or pay attention on a subject.

Camera Movements: The movements appearing in the frame vary in terms of speed, power, continuity and time. While some movements create tension due to their speed, some movements arouse curiosity. According to the location, calm movements or stationary camera creates calmness, sadness, distress and seriousness while creating its own visual narrative language.

Image Framing: Framing is considered to be the importance of making a selection, placing it in the frame, of certain parts within their natural boundaries, for the purpose of plotting and drawing a boundary of existence to it.

Visual Literacy: The concept of visual literacy includes a process used for explaining the acquired skills, interpreting, and evaluating visual messages and creating meaning for visual messages.

Shooting Scales: It represents the style of the director and the sentence he has formed as a structure that determines what is shown to the audience through the camera.

Visual Effects: A term used to describe any image created, modified, or developed for a film or other moving environment that cannot be obtained during live action shooting.

Lighting: In the process of creating a visual narrative, light is a well-known fact that the subject is used to create aesthetical form and atmosphere as well as creating the effect of scenes which are meaningful integrals as more than the function of providing action to be seen.

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