A Study on an Internet of Things (IoT)-Enabled Smart Solar Grid System

A Study on an Internet of Things (IoT)-Enabled Smart Solar Grid System

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8098-4.ch017
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Automation in the power consumption system could be applied to conserve a large amount of power. This chapter discusses the applications for the generation, transmission, distribution, and use of electricity that are IoT-enabled. It covers the physical layer implementation, used models, operating systems, standards, protocols, and architecture of the IoT-enabled SSG system. The configuration, design, solar power system, IoT device, and backend systems, workflow and procedures, implementation, test findings, and performance are discussed. The smart solar grid system's real-time implementation is described, along with experimental findings and implementation challenges.
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Green energy is energy that may be obtained from nature and is renewable, such as sunlight, tides, rain, and wind, and is utilised by people to produce electricity. People have mostly relied on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources in recent years, so investments in green energy are rising. According to a poll, half of the world's population has invested in renewable energy, but there won't be enough of it in the future. The main renewable energy source is solar energy, although its accessibility is dependent on climatic factors. It is transformed into electrical energy by photovoltaic (PV) cells and employed in a variety of industries, including home automation, manufacturing, the medical industry, transportation, and power generation. As the world population is expected to reach its maximum, people and companies need to use and manage green energy as effectively as possible to satisfy their electrical needs. This necessitates the development of an innovative solution like the Smart Grid (SG). An electrical grid-based system called a “smart grid” includes energy management components, including smart metres, smart appliances, renewable energy sources, and energy-saving resources. The suggested effort is to design a solar self-power management system that is combined with a useful controlling, monitoring, and maintenance system utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT). The challenges with solar power systems will be addressed by this technology, known as the Smart Solar Grid (SSG) technology (Al-Turjman and Abujubbeh, 2019). The application of IoT integrated SG and the scope of the research are covered in this chapter.

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