A Study on Cyber Defence Curse for Online Attackers

A Study on Cyber Defence Curse for Online Attackers

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0839-4.ch005
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With the advancement of technology, it has been mandatory for meeting the requirements of all stakeholders in an organization, cyber security must include pliability and trust where the concern towards protection from online hacking has been a point to be noted seriously. In the domain of cyber security, the teams of security analysts who are responsible for digging out cyber threats by wading through continual floods of data such as intrusion alerts and network logs, situation awareness (SA) is very important. To create an active defence system in the path followed by an attacker to penetrate information systems over time that can result in remarkable disruptive effects on organizations in the main purpose of cyber defence.
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How Could The Protection Of The Data Be Ensured So That The Stakeholders Entrust The Defence System After Cyber Attack?

Protecting your resources and thus securing business security after probable attacks, the trust of the stakeholders regarding the protection of their data needs to be confirmed through the cyber defence technique is an important point to be considered. However, there is no one stop solution available for cyber security action plan, trust can be regained by protecting critical assets which means opportunities can be optimized by adapting to risks and regulations and transform faster. A series of steps executed successfully leads to a successful and effective attack beginning from the spotting phase aiming to identify the culprit and gather valuable information through hacking (Wang et al., 2020). Morin depth we analyse these steps, the more we understand about the attackers and thus systematic detection which becomes the key to defensive approach.

The system as one entity as well as its weak elements must be taken into consideration for defence, but despite of the system weakness, defending itself against the probable threats, in a systematic manner must be considered.

The main intention of the cyber attackers is threatening the attributes of network security along with generating problems in authentication and non-repudiation by collecting confidential and private data, disrupting services and denying access to resources. They will always try to find methods to destroy or damage the assets by attacking in a direct or indirect way without exposing or revealing their identity. The problem gets even more serious in a busy network where the network traffic per day could be very large, so, as a result, the end systems and network devices generate such large volume of log data that it becomes critical for security analysts and system administrators to detect a potential threat by reviewing and considering every data record in the log and correlate those events at system and network level (Amin et al., 2012).

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