A Survey on Recent Recommendation Systems for the Tourism Industry

A Survey on Recent Recommendation Systems for the Tourism Industry

S. Ranjith, P. Victer Paul
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3142-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Data mining is an important field that derives insights from the data and recommendation systems. Recommendation systems have become common in recent years in the field of tourism. These are widely used as a tool that can input various selection criteria and user preferences and yields travel recommendations to tourists. User's style and preferences should be constructed accurately so as to supply most relevant suggestions. Researchers proposed various types of tourism recommendation systems (TRS) in order to improve the accuracy and user satisfaction. In this chapter, the authors studied the current state of tourism recommendation system models and discussed their preference criteria. As a part of that, the authors studied various important preference factors in TRS and categorized them based on their likeness. This chapter reports TRS model future directions and compiles a comprehensive reference list to assist researchers.
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Data Mining (DM) (Dunham, 2002) is used to discover information from the company’s various databases and re-construct it for uses other than the databases which were initially planned for data mining implementation is different for variant organizations depending upon the nature of data and organization. It specifies to juice or mining insight from enormous data, mining knowledge from data is called data mining. In the process of discovering knowledge data Mining plays an essential step,

Figure 2.

Data mining knowledge discovery process

  • Data Cleaning: Multiple resources are combined to make consistent data integration data and remove noise.

  • Data Selection: Data relevant to analysis will be retrieved.

  • Data Transformation: we can convert the data from one form to another form by applying operations like aggregation.

  • Data mining intelligence: To get interesting data patterns in the dataset data mining methods are used.

  • Pattern Evaluation: Real interesting patterns are identified by applying interesting measures to data patterns

  • Knowledge Representation: User will get a visualization of mined knowledge and knowledge representation inappropriate kinds

Data mining is having a lot of characteristics in that some are following are.

  • The volume of data so great it has to figure out by implicit techniques, e.g.stakeholders’ information, fraud detection credit cards, phone cards, etc.

  • It is applicable for a wide variety of information, for example, relational database, data warehouses, object-oriented and object-oriented relational databases, www, etc

  • Tools of data mining are used to extract the buried information

  • The environment of data mining is client/server architecture

  • Sometimes necessary to use parallel processing for data mining because of a large amount of data.

  • Clusters, classifications, sequences, forecasting, and associations are five types of functions in the data mining system

  • Spreadsheets and other end software tools are easily combined with data mining tools.

By implementing an algorithm on data, the mining model is created. However, it is more than an algorithm. To generate predictions and make inferences about relationships we need to apply statistics and patterns on new data. The data mining algorithm analyzes the data of the mining model, which gets the data from the mining structure. Both mining structure and model are various objects structure stores information that describes data source, model stores information derived from the statistical processing of the data. After a mining model has been processed, it contains metadata, results.

Figure 3.

Classification based on data mining types


Key Terms in this Chapter

Collaborative: Other customers, who like the similar item as another customer views or likes, will also call a recommended product.

Model-Based Techniques: The description model develops from the database and an active user will get predictions by this model. Model building processes done by variant pursuing machine learning algorithms, such as decision tree, artificial neural network, etc.

Predictive: It is a type of cutting-edge investigation that utilizations both new and authentic information to figure movement, conduct, and patterns. It includes applying measurable examination procedures, expository inquiries, and mechanized AI calculations to informational collections to make prescient models that spot a numerical worth - or score - on the probability of a specific occasion occurring.

Content-Based: A famous, suggested product has the same features as what a consumer likes or views.

Descriptive: It is the elucidation of past information to more readily comprehend changes that have happened in a business.

Classification: It is an act of discovering a function either model that defines and differentiates data concepts or classes for future prediction.

Recommended System in Tourism: Traveler suggestion to help clients on the association of a recreation and vacationer motivation. Initially, a recommender framework offers the client a rundown of the city puts that is likely important to the client. This rundown considers the client statistic grouping, the client enjoys in previous excursions and the inclinations for the present visit.

Optimization Techniques: The optimization technique produces the best/optimal result from the collection of a possible solution set under given circumstances.

Clustering: It is used to discover groups of similar items.

Multi-Criteria System: The system that will support recommendations based on both single and group of users.

Data Mining: Data mining is the process of extracting useful knowledge from data or big data, for example, information stockrooms, for productive examination, information mining calculations, and encouraging business.

Regression: To comprehend which among the autonomous factors are related to the reliant factors, and regression analysis is used to investigate the forms of these connections. For instance, by utilizing a relapse (regression) model conceivable to predict kids' tallness, given their age, weight and different elements.

Recommended System: Recommender frameworks intend to anticipate clients' inclinations and prescribe things that very likely are intriguing for them. They are among the most dominant AI frameworks that online retailers execute so as to drive deals.

Multi-Agent System: It is an automated framework that contains numerous cooperating smart agents. Issues that are troublesome or outlandish for an individual operator to solve can be solved by a multi-agent system.

Memory-Based Technique: Prediction generation can do by the entire client item database; we can find the neighbor using statistical techniques, it is also known as the nearest neighbor. Through item, user depends skills can achieve Memory-based CF (collaborative filtering). to calculate the similarity between item/user many kinds of likeness metrics are utilized. Pearson correlation coefficient and cosine are the 2 famous likeness metrics.

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