A Testbed for a Classroom-as-Organization Program Assisted by Virtual Reality and Learning Management Systems

A Testbed for a Classroom-as-Organization Program Assisted by Virtual Reality and Learning Management Systems

Gokul Chandrakant Talele, Punit Pathak, Reshma Shaikh, Jitender Kumar Sharma, Blessing NimaSajai, Sabyasachi Pramanik, Ankur Gupta
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1310-7.ch010
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Teachers have a number of difficulties when trying to create authentic learning environments that replicate real-world workplace scenarios faced by accounting professionals. In order to address these issues, this research suggests a learning prototype that highlights the advantages of the classroom-as-organization model instructional model, which is backed by a learning management system in conjunction with an immersive 360° and virtual reality learning platform. In order to accurately reproduce the real-life circumstances of a commercial organization, the learning prototype incorporates digital information from virtual reality, concentrating on three tiers of instructional designs. An outline of the components and course structure for each of those three levels is given in this chapter, along with recommendations for instructional design. The prototype is a good substitute for 3-D virtual worlds and business simulations in the creation of technologically enhanced immersive learning environments.
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Literature Review

This chapter presents a learning prototype known as “MPP business simulation,” which was created by planning and subsequently teaching one course at a Sino-foreign Higher Education institution in China from 2018 to 2023 named “Business Strategy & Data Analytics.” The course was taught in three different ways: in person, online, and in a hybrid setting. The course places a strong emphasis on the development of cognitive and behavioral abilities, which are currently highly valued in the management accounting industry.

Key Terms in this Chapter

VROC: Virtual (real-life based) organizational contexts – A learning environment that mimics the real business environment.

LMS: Warning: Content model for p does not allow element comment here in unnamed entity at line 227 char 75 of file:///Users/extyles_user/AppData/Local/EXTYLES/TMP/RXPin.xml Learning Management System - A software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs.

VCLE: Warning: Content model for p does not allow element comment here in unnamed entity at line 228 char 76 of file:///Users/extyles_user/AppData/Local/EXTYLES/TMP/RXPin.xml Virtual Constructivist Learning Environment - A learning environment that is based on constructivist pedagogy and is virtual or digital.] .

VR: Virtual Reality, a computer created environment.

CAO: Warning: Content model for p does not allow element comment here in unnamed entity at line 226 char 75 of file:///Users/extyles_user/AppData/Local/EXTYLES/TMP/RXPin.xml Classroom-as-Organization- This instructional model treats the classroom as an organization, enhancing real-world relevance and applicability

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