Adult Learners: Standards for Teacher Effectiveness and Conditions for Optimal Learning

Adult Learners: Standards for Teacher Effectiveness and Conditions for Optimal Learning

Freda R. Russell
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5712-8.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents a framework for both the instructor and student to use as they understand the principals of effective teaching and learning practices for the adult learner. The author addresses the importance of professional standards as a means to ensure educational program quality, and gives an brief overview of the evolution of the American educational system. Comparing and contrasting assumptions about teaching children (pedagogy) vs. teaching adults (andragogy) will be discussed as well as examining learner development, learner engagement through reflective discourse, and transformational learning environments.
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This chapter presents a framework for both the instructor and student to use in understanding the principles of effective teaching and learning practices for the adult learner. Comparing and contrasting assumptions about teaching children (pedagogy) versus teaching adults (andragogy) is discussed as well as learner development and learner engagement through reflective discourse and transformational learning environments.

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