Agribusiness in South Asia: Current Status, Obstacles, and Policy Options

Agribusiness in South Asia: Current Status, Obstacles, and Policy Options

Md. Hashmi Sakib, Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Ahmed Harun-Al-Rashid, A K M Golam Kausar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4849-3.ch005
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Agribusiness plays a key role in the sustainable economic development of rural poor by fulfilling daily needs. In South Asia, all the countries have a similar pattern of societies, resources, climates, practices, and people located close to each other. Crop cultivation, dairy production, fishery, and forestry are the main agribusiness sectors for trading agricultural produce in markets. In contrast, factors (i.e., global warming due to climate change, natural calamity, environmental pollution, unsafe foodstuff, labor unavailability, marketing limitations, and financial crisis) are responsible for a serious fatal to agribusiness activities. Unless we uproot challenges, agribusiness cannot contribute effectively to the economy of developing nations in South Asia. Thus, future strategies may be standing on contemporary scientific research approaches on crop science, restoring resources, controlling food quality, introducing modern types of machinery, best marketing practices, and inclusive financing.
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Generally, agribusiness involves producing, processing, marketing, and trading of agricultural goods (Antonio & Ioris, 2016; Kumar et al., 2013). It encompasses the whole chain of agricultural activities such as supplying seeds, processing foods and using machinery to meet food demand (Jin & Kim, 2008). Nowadays, development seeks agribusiness to bring notable changes in society by promoting small and micro agribusiness enterprises (Olowa & Olowa, 2015). In rural areas, many unemployed migrant laborers can take shelter under the canopy of agribusiness for their daily livelihoods (Findlay & McCollum, 2013). Globally, agribusiness takes attention to the private and public investors for large scale economic benefit and development. Moreover, it helps to ensure food security for pro-poor in rural areas (van Westen et al., 2019).

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