AI-Enabled IoT and WSN-Integrated Smart Agriculture System

AI-Enabled IoT and WSN-Integrated Smart Agriculture System

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8516-3.ch011
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Agriculture and farming have gotten smarter as a result of the use of current technology such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart farming is an enhanced agriculture system that offers data such as temperature, soil moisture, and so on, to assist in the growth of plants and cattle. It integrates wireless sensors and the internet to collect and communicate information with farmers. The priority event-based energy efficient algorithm developed in this study is utilized for accurate and efficient information transmission regarding power consumption and node priority. The major goal of the IoT-sensor network in this chapter is to increase farm productivity and extend its lifespan by applying intelligent algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to recognize environmental conditions and improve total production. Priority event-based energy efficient method reduces energy usage and increases the lifetime using Dijkstra's algorithm.
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The internet of things (IoT) is a promising technology that provides answers to problems in a variety of sectors. Kevin Ashton of MIT's Auto-ID lab invented the term in 1999. The IoT is a network of billions of connected devices that can sense, collect, and transmit data without human intervention, affecting a wide range of industries including health care monitoring, building automation, logistics, connected vehicles, smart city infrastructure, smart grid, smart home, smart retail, smart agriculture, and smart farming. This chapter describes the use of IoT in Smart Agriculture, including an introduction to IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks, Smart Agriculture Using Wireless Sensor Networks, Motivation for Research, Challenges, Research Objectives, and Research Contributions (Haseeb et al., 2020).

Agriculture has experienced multiple revolutions, including plant and animal domestication, crop rotations, and the “green revolution.” ICT is viewed as the catalyst for a fourth agricultural revolution. Smart farming is a management approach that employs cutting-edge technology to measure, monitor, automate, and evaluate operations. It is managed by sensors and controlled by software. Because of population expansion, growing use of technology, and climate-smart agriculture, smart farming is becoming increasingly vital. It is a cyber-physical system that controls and manages the whole farm system using smart devices connected to the Internet. Traditional tools are improved by smart gadgets, which provide autonomous context awareness, built-in intelligence, and the capacity to undertake autonomous or remote operations. Humans are still involved in the process, but at a higher cognitive level, with robots performing the majority of operational activities(Alghazzawi et al., 2021).

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables wireless hardware to share data via a network, resulting in a significant increase in the number of electrical, connecting devices in the 1980s and 1990s. M2M and IoT communication have facilitated the growth of linked devices, with Cisco forecasting that there would be 50 billion connected devices by 2020. The Internet of Things is envisioned as the foundation of a networked, safe, intelligent, and inventive civilization of the future. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ubiquitous computer system that enables devices to connect directly with one another and exchange related information, allowing humans to concentrate on choices and actions rather than filtering and integrating data.

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has improved greatly, allowing the use of motes and sensor nodes to monitor ecological occurrences across a vast geographic area. By engaging with a gateway, sensor nodes may communicate wirelessly and relay data to a base station or coordinator node. WSNs can monitor a broad range of surroundings and acquire exact information since the communication is based on numerous sensors. The detecting, storage, processing, and transmission capabilities of sensor nodes have increased. WSNs have found applications in the military, agriculture, sports, medicine, and industry. Precision agriculture (PA) aims to enhance field management by avoiding the same management routine no matter what the site conditions are. PA lowers pesticide waste while also ensuring crops receive the nutrients they require, leading in efficient, ecologically responsible agriculture. PA is a management strategy that employs information technology to improve agricultural quality and output. It consists of five steps: data collection, diagnosis, data analysis, precision field operation, and evaluation. WSNs are used to boost agricultural production and anticipate crop health and product quality by predicting irrigation plans based on weather and soil moisture. Additional sensor nodes can be added to the present WSN to improve the monitoring characteristics of the smart farming system and make the network scalable. WSN deployment techniques, measurement times, routing protocols, energy efficiency, cost, communication range, scalability, and fault tolerance have all been challenges. Although dispersed sensor node deployment might assist increase network lifetime, selecting a distribution zone can be problematic. WSNs are battery-powered, which eliminates the requirement for connections to the main power source. It is critical to decrease power depletion and extend battery life in order to reduce power depletion and extend battery life(Rao et al., 2022).

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