AI-Enhanced Education: Bridging Educational Disparities

AI-Enhanced Education: Bridging Educational Disparities

Zeinab E. Ahmed, Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim, Rashid A. Saeed, Mamoon M. A. Saeed
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2728-9.ch004
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This chapter explores the symbiotic relationship between AI and education, highlighting its transformative impact and potential to bridge educational disparities. It provides insights into using AI to create engaging and efficient learning environments, covering various topics such as AI-driven teaching techniques, ethical considerations, and case studies. AI tools enhance learning experiences and help address disparities among students. The integration of AI in education can optimize resources, personalize learning, and improve academic performance. However, challenges such as lack of familiarity and technical difficulties need to be addressed through training and support for teachers. By embracing AI, educators can revolutionize teaching methods and promote equity and inclusivity in education.
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1. Introduction

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are fundamentally changing how digital machines accomplish tasks, completely altering communication, learning, and work processes. Recent researchers are exploring the integration of AI in Education (AI-Edu), from K-12 to higher education levels. AI tools like intelligent tutoring systems, chatbots, and robotics aid kindergarten teachers and enhance student learning (Su et al., 2023). It offers personalized learning, enhances teaching, and administration by providing immediate feedback and machine-supported queries. The impact of AI-Edu extends to transforming teaching methods and program development, rendering it a pivotal focus in educational research which can be supported by adaptive learning systems personalize experiences, data-driven insights improve strategies, and task automation frees time for innovation; enhanced collaboration among educators fosters continuous improvement, while personalized feedback and predictive analytics support student success and program refinement (Liang et al., 2023). It contributes to enhancing teachers' insights into students' learning processes. However, there is a need for additional endeavors to seamlessly integrate advanced AI and deep learning technologies into educational environments. The various roles of AI applications encompass intelligent tutor, tutee, learning tool/partner, and policy-making advisor.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has promise for addressing some of the most pressing issues facing education today, innovating in methods of instruction and learning, and accelerating the achievement of SDG 41. AI can help educators identify and address disparities among students individually, develop balanced and meaningful curriculum plans, and optimize learning resources. AI tutoring systems can adapt to students’ learning progression in real-time, while machine learning programs could tailor college recruiting efforts to reach more students from underrepresented groups. In order to achieve the Education 2030 Agenda, UNESCO is dedicated to supporting Member States in utilizing AI technology, while making sure that the basic principles of equity and inclusivity serve as a guide for its application in educational settings. Global initiatives and policy changes highlight the importance of AI-Edu. Countries like China and the US are promoting AI integration in education, focusing on teacher development (Chiu et al., 2023). Funding in the US supports AI-based personalized learning platforms to improve academic performance and reduce inequalities. Figure 1 shows the challenges in conventional educations and the needs for new types of education.

Figure 1.

Challenges in conventional education systems


AI can play a significant role in identifying and addressing learning gaps in students. Intelligent tutoring systems and AI-driven learning platforms can collect and analyze data on students' behavior and interactions. This data can provide insights into individual students' strengths, weaknesses, and learning progress. AI algorithms can then generate personalized recommendations, tasks, and resources tailored to each student's specific needs. By leveraging AI, educators can identify learning gaps more efficiently and provide targeted interventions to address them, ultimately enhancing students' learning outcomes.

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