An Efficient Framework Based on Cloud Computing Integrated With Internet of Things Technology for Intelligent Waste Management

An Efficient Framework Based on Cloud Computing Integrated With Internet of Things Technology for Intelligent Waste Management

Suresh Annamalai, Udendhran R.
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9023-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


This chapter presents techniques based on internet of things and cloud computing-driven waste management. The data of the World Bank says that the municipal solid waste generation by the year of 2025 will be 1.42 kg/capital per day in the urban residential areas, with the increase in cost of about $375.5 billion that has a major rise from an annual of $205.4 billion in the year 2012. Due to the high population with the extreme consumption of goods and services, this leads to a strong association among the income levels, quality of life, and waste generation. In the present situation, more than 50% of the total population is living in the cities. In the governance aspect, it is said that the cost of waste management will be highly expensive. This chapter deals with the effective waste management with the implementation of internet of things (IoT)-based cloud technology with the machine learning algorithm that could be highly intellectual in the management of waste.
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A Brief Introduction Into Waste Management

Communications between the devices are meaningful to common users in a sense that it helps them simplify various day-to-day tasks (Akash k t, 2017). Some of the common example could be fire alarms, door locking system, automatic switching of lights etc. These examples come under simple IoT based application. There are major impacts that could be done by IoT when dealing with the higher end technologies. IoT involves in sensing, actuating, collecting, processing and storing of data (Anguelovski, I. (2016)). Thus, smart city will have these impacts that could be handled for several applications such as citizen observatory, traffic management, energy management and use of smart grids to flood detection and prediction systems (Alexandra Klimova, 2016).

The payments done at a small scale could be extremely difficult due to their massive overhead (Furlong, C, 2016). Bitcoin, that was introduced at the year of 2009 makes the financial transactions much easier that purely displaces the intermediaries in terms of security and transaction overhead cost by the blockchain technology. Although bitcoin has both a positive and negative side, the blockchain technology works well finding its impact in both the financial and non-financial systems (Ajuntament de Barcelona. 2016). This is an automatic system where the changes must be made by voting the members (Martí, I. 2016). DAO has an ability to interact with other DAO or various smart contracts. This could evolve a new business model with the broad scope of implementation. With the approach of DAO, one can imagine government bodies and various companies running on top of the blockchain (Christopher Krauss, 2017) as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1.

Current waste generation per capita by region


There is a huge impact in sustainability with the generation and the management of waste (Medvedev A, 2015). Based in the time and situation, the sustainability has several dimensions. Due to the improper disposal of waste, there is a chance of occurrence of greenhouse gases (Navghane S S, 2016). These gases are dangerous that could lead to direct or indirect impact on the human health. With the proper waste management, we can promote the concept of recycling and reusing. Moreover, the waste could be effectively converted into energy that increases the quality of life. This has been implemented in Sweden that had made a revolution by promoting recycling of rubbish from other countries.

Flat-rate based pricing system has been adapted by many waste management systems at the present, in order to compensate with the waste management services. There is another system known as weight-rate based waste management system that charges the amount based on the amount of waste produced (Soto, R. 2016). This could be a motivation for promoting less quantity of waste. This system is currently deployed in South Korea, which results in 33% of less waste production shown in the figure 2.

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