Analyzing Performance of Ad hoc Routing Protocols under Various Constraints

Analyzing Performance of Ad hoc Routing Protocols under Various Constraints

Lalitsen Sharma, Supriya Gupta
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0321-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The mobility of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks and absence of any centralized control cause unpredictable changes in the network topologies. This makes routing a challenging task. Several routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks have come into existence. The protocols are classified in mainly in three categories: proactive, reactive, and hybrid. In this chapter, a study of one of each of the proactive and reactive protocols (respectively, Destination Sequence Distance Vector routing [DSDV], and Dynamic Source Routing [DSR]) is presented. The performance of above said protocols has been measured under varying mobility environment using NS-2 simulator based upon three quality metrics: average end-to-end delay, throughput, and jitter.
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Classification Of Routing Protocols For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

The mobile ad hoc network routing protocols are generally classified on the basis of how routing information is acquired and maintained by mobile nodes. According to this criterion, mobile ad hoc network routing protocols are divided, as discussed above, into proactive or global routing, reactive or demand routing, and hybrid routing.

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