An Application of Multi-Agent Simulation to Policy Appraisal in the Criminal Justice System

An Application of Multi-Agent Simulation to Policy Appraisal in the Criminal Justice System

Seán Boyle, Stephen Guerin, Daniel Kunkle
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-649-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reports on a multi-agent approach to the construction of a model of the English criminal justice system. The approach is an integration of model-building with ways of enabling people to engage in strategic policy making and take into account the complex interactions of the criminal justice system. From the workings of the police to court procedures to prisons, decisions in one area of the criminal justice system can be crucial in determining what happens in another area. The purpose was to allow assessment of the impact across the whole justice system of a variety of policies.

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