Application of Machine Learning in Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction Using Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Application of Machine Learning in Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction Using Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Laxmi Kumari Pathak, Pooja Jha
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6673-2.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disorder in which the kidneys are weakened and become unable to filter blood. It lowers the human ability to remain healthy. The field of biosciences has progressed and produced vast volumes of knowledge from electronic health records. Heart disorders, anemia, bone diseases, elevated potassium, and calcium are the very prevalent complications that arise from kidney failure. Early identification of CKD can improve the quality of life greatly. To achieve this, various machine learning techniques have been introduced so far that use the data in electronic health record (EHR) to predict CKD. This chapter studies various machine learning algorithms like support vector machine, random forest, probabilistic neural network, Apriori, ZeroR, OneR, naive Bayes, J48, IBk (k-nearest neighbor), ensemble method, etc. and compares their accuracy. The study aims in finding the best-suited technique from different methods of machine learning for the early detection of CKD by which medical professionals can interpret model predictions easily.
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2. Background

The Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a situation described by a steady decrease in kidney work in the long run. CKD is otherwise called chronic renal disease.

2.1 The Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease entails diseases, which affect the kidneys by doing the jobs mentioned, and reduce their ability to guard you. In the event that your kidney condition deteriorates, waste will develop in your blood to elevated levels and cause you to feel sick. Abnormal conditions, for example, hypertension, anaemia (decreased blood count), powerless bones, poor stomach related wellbeing and harm to the nerves may happen. Also, the possibility of heart and vein disappointment is brought up by kidney illness. For an extensive stretch of time, these issues can happen gradually. Diabetes, hypertension and different problems can cause constant kidney infection. Therapy and early determination will likewise keep constant kidney sickness from getting deteriorating.

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