Application of Potential Biological Agents in Green Bioremediation Technology: Case Studies

Application of Potential Biological Agents in Green Bioremediation Technology: Case Studies

Debajyoti Kundu, Deblina Dutta, Subinoy Mondal, Smaranya Haque, Jatindra Nath Bhakta, Bana Behari Jana
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1210-4.ch054
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Upgradation and advancement in every field related to mankind leads to the origin of a contaminated environment. Development in science and technology enabled humans to combat the rate of contaminants by using biological agents, commonly known as bioremediation. The chapter deals with the different species of bioremediation agents viz. bacteria, fungi, algae, plants, animals and organic wastes to treat diverse environmental pollution. The extent of environmental bioremediation encompasses inorganic viz. arsenic, chromium, mercury, cyanide etc. and organics viz. Hydrocarbons, petroleum, pesticides etc. Thus, the reasons for the control of water and soil by considering bioremediation are concern on public health, protection of environment, and cost reduction of decontamination. Different case studies have been demonstrated herein to understand the enigmatic process and evaluate practical efficacy of the environment to decontaminate itself by the presence of various biological organisms.
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A Brief Historical Overview

In bioremediation, different microorganisms, fungi, algae and plant species has been extensively used to decrease, degrade, transform and detoxify the pollutants from the contaminated sites. Potential living organisms present in the contaminated sites spontaneously may involve in the remediation process, mimicking this natural process, researchers are trying to make the process more efficient.

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