Application of VUCA in Business Transactions

Application of VUCA in Business Transactions

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0720-5.ch001
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Business transactions are a fundamental part of any business or organization, and they play a crucial role in tracking and managing financial activities, maintaining transparency, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The previous work suggests four stages. The relevant data is collected in this stage. This procedure enhances integrity in the system. It aims to predict the model's accuracy. The collected details are considered as training information. The pre-processing phase does the feature extraction, based on what is expected as the outcome. The feature set is created considering the problem to be addressed. The errors like inconsistencies, redundancy, and missing data are removed. Model building is constructed using machine learning techniques. Model training and testing is divided into two sets. The training dataset is constructed by analyzing the preliminary data input. The test dataset is fed into the system, and the training dataset is compared with the test data to make predictions. The suggestion uses a backpropagation algorithm to make the prediction.
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Business organization (Maruster, 2003; Lazonick, 1993) is a crucial aspect of running a successful enterprise. It involves structuring and managing various elements of your business to achieve specific objectives and goals. These essentials of business organization provide a framework for building and managing a successful and sustainable enterprise. Business organization refers to a company or enterprise that is structured, managed and operates to achieve its goals and objectives. It encompasses various aspects of a business setup and functions, including its legal structure, management hierarchy, and operational processes.

Each of these forms of business organization has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of liability, taxation, management, and regulatory requirements. The choice of the most suitable business organization depends on factors like the nature of the business, its size, the number of owners, and the specific goals and needs of the organization. It's important to carefully consider these factors and seek legal and financial advice when determining the best structure for a business.

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