Artificial Intelligence for Improving Food Quality

Artificial Intelligence for Improving Food Quality

Avinash Kumar Sharma, Shivani Singh, Shivam Kumar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5141-0.ch013
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There is no doubt about the fact that artificial intelligence (AI) has stepped into improving quality of food throughout the world. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to be done for machine to profit as a material or substance of fact examining facts from different data sources and make conclusions, and can perform most humanly tasks with more than the limits of act without any fault. Due to the interference of humans in the production and packaging of food product, there is lack in maintaining the demand supply chain and also in safety of food to prevail over these issues of food industry. Automation is the best possible solution. It wraps up an enormous amount of streaming data, often noted as “big data,” which brings fresh and new opportunities to watch agricultural and food processes. Besides sensors, big data from social media is becoming important for the food industry. During this review, the authors present a summary of artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in shaping further of agri-food systems.
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The approximation of food production will increase throughout the world by 65-115% by 2050 to cater the expeditiously growing population (Alexandratos,2010; Schierhorn, 2016). So the feasibility of agricultural field is key to ensure hunger eradication and guarantee food security for ever growing population. A proper formatted and detectable system has became a need for the quality control in food sector because of the appearance of the several food safety and incidents in food industry like as Jordanian market scandal that proved the food contain concerning level of carcinogenic substance and bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Few more challenges going to occur in next coming years like weather, climatic change condition along with maintainable water management because of water scarcity(Donepudi,2014). Due to all these reason an establishment of strategic agricultural sustainability is needed. Therefore, the requirement of innovative change is more important than any thing in current memory(Fargose,2015). Artificial intelligence has capability to address to such difficulties leading worldwide (Misra,2020).

The study's main goal is to develop artificial intelligence and procedures for gaining access to food quality and safety efforts in the food industry (Fesaghandis,2018). To expect desirable solutions helping farmer to adopt sustainable practices like iot, ai cloud computing is a key choice ((Fesaghandis,2018; Schierhorn,2016). The subset of AI that is machine and deep learning algorithms are extensively used(Khalid,2017). The moto of this review is to present the application of AI in agri-food sector.

The focus of this audit is on AI applications that correspond to the four pillars of the food security (accessibility, availability, usage, and strength (Buschulte,2015). Artificial intelligence advancements are being used to address each of the pillars of food security listed above. Ai technology in the food and beverage market was valued at $3.06 billion in 2020, according to Mordor Intelligence, and is predicted to reach $30 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of over 45.70% between 2021 and 2026. (Domingo,2008; Hamzah,2018).

The current article examines how AI breakthroughs might benefit the global farming and food industries, as well as the ways in which AI can handle some of the most pressing issues.

The safety of the food is one of the foundations of food quality(Kenefick,1999). A important element of AI is reducing the presence of diseases and detecting poisons in food production. The processing section is another pillar. In this section, AI can increase output and decrease waste by replacing employees on the line whose sole responsibility is to detect objects that are inappropriate for processing.

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