Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Water Purification and Utilization

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Water Purification and Utilization

Suthanthira Vanitha, Radhika K., Sampath Boopathi
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4118-3.ch010
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In this chapter, the various water monitoring systems—internet of-things, wireless network systems, cloud computing, optimization systems, and reporting systems—are illustrated. The development of artificial intelligence in water management has the potential to change and manage water resources. The use of AI and cutting-edge technologies such as data analytics, regression models, and algorithms simplifies the water management process. AI-based systems will be sustainable, cost-effective, and capable of predicting potential damage in order to optimize water management solutions with minimal waste. Machine learning algorithms support the water management process and improve the accuracy of sensor-based systems in agriculture.
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The United Nations (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2015) predicts that there will be 8.5 billion people on the planet by 2030, with India having the largest population. Countries all around the world will experience water scarcity due to this population density combined with shifting weather extremes and occurrences. Another factor making water scarcer is the ineffective management of water resources. Another industry where there has been an increase in water demand is agriculture. According to the FAO, this sector is responsible for over 70% of all worldwide water withdrawals. By 2050, as the world's population grows, both the need for water and resource conservation measures will be on the rise.

Water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater become contaminated when pollutants are discharged into them without being treated to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution has a negative impact on not only aquatic plants and animals, but also on humans and ecosystems. Water pollution is caused by a variety of factors. Household sewage, garbage, and liquid waste are discharged into lakes and rivers. These wastes contain hazardous chemicals and toxins, rendering the water toxic to aquatic animals and plants. Solid waste and litter dumped in bodies of water cause major issues. Glass, plastic, aluminum, and Styrofoam are all examples of litter. Different substances degrade at varying rates in water. They impact aquatic plants and animals. Industrial waste includes pollutants such as asbestos, lead, mercury, and petrochemicals, all of which are extremely harmful to both people and the environment. Oil spilled from ships and tankers while travelling pollutes the sea. The oil spilled does not dissolve in water and instead forms a thick sludge that pollutes the water. Acid rain occurs when acidic particles in the atmosphere caused by air pollution mix with water vapor. Temperature increases caused by global warming kill aquatic plants and animals. The increased bloom of algae in water depletes the oxygen in the water, negatively affecting fish and other aquatic animal populations.

There is an urgent need to put new technology into use that helps with water conservation. AI might be a key component in resolving this problem. The use of AI technologies in water resource management can effectively address managing water resources, building efficient supply systems, maximizing current water resources, and planning infrastructure for water resources and safe water mechanisms. In the subject of water management, artificial intelligence has been used by scientists to cut down on resource waste. Researchers have documented ground-breaking situations that support the use of AI in reducing water waste. Several researchers, utilized the efficient, successful AI as a substitute for conventional hydrological methodologies. when climate change consequences exacerbate over the future decades, as many scientists expect they will, they will lead to an increase in extreme weather events and disasters. Along with climate change issues, the next ten years will see revolutionary steps needed to address the loss of biodiversity, conservation efforts, ocean health, clean air, and water security (Feng et al., 2008).

In general, the use of artificial intelligence in water supply has a number of policy implications to enhance the performance of water utilities and quality service liberation. Applications of AI play an important role in improving environmental quality from all factors. Water is considered a primary source of daily life that requires intelligent management systems. Water resource management involves the formulation of the latest paradigms which are capable of combining water resource protection through innovative intelligent systems. With the support of AI technology, it increases the efficiency of water resources; network performance; distributed system monitoring; plant treatments; and easy access to quality control. AI plays an astounding role in a persistent situation as a result of the strengthening of water and environmental monitoring systems. Hence, computer-based intelligence can be viewed as an approach to making helpful models or strategies to play out a complex task typically done by people.

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