Bridging the Digital Divide: Exploring the Role of OTT Platforms in Advancing Digital Inclusion in the Global South

Bridging the Digital Divide: Exploring the Role of OTT Platforms in Advancing Digital Inclusion in the Global South

Nitesh Behare, Suraj Sharma, Varada Inamdar, Swapnali Bhosale, Shrikant Waghulkar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3526-0.ch012
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The chapter will give an in-depth exploration of role of OTT platforms in facilitating digital inclusion in the Global South, which will cover various aspects like economic impact, digital inclusion, challenges, recommendations, and future prospects. It will also explore how OTT platforms have contributed to bridging the digital divide, fostering access to information, entertainment, and educational content in regions with limited infrastructure and resources. The chapter will analyze initiatives and strategies employed by OTT platforms to reach underserved populations, impact of affordable pricing models, localized content, and innovative approaches to overcome connectivity challenges. The challenges in the Global South are also examined in this chapter including infrastructure limitations, connectivity barriers, privacy concerns, regulatory frameworks, and ensuring equitable access for all populations. Additionally, it will discuss the implications of OTT platforms for socio-economic development, empowerment, and creation of digital opportunities in the Global South.
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“OTT is a key to bridge the digital divide and Global South’s digital inclusion…”




In today’s digitally connected world, access to the internet and various free & paid technologies have become an important factor in terms of gaining socioeconomic and educational opportunities. Nonetheless, there is a significant disparity exists in between those who have access to and can be benefited from these incredible technologies and those who do not. This disparity, basically known as “digital divide”(DiMaggio P., 2004). This digital divide poses various challenges in accomplishing equitable development, predominantly in the Global South, which encompasses developing countries which are facing socio-economic obstacles to digital inclusion (Warschauer M., 2010).

Over-the-top (OTT) platforms, which provide video streaming services over the internet, have emerged as dominant tools in bridging the digital divide. These platforms can be easily accessible using smart devices which offer a wide range of digital services like video streaming, e-commerce, messaging, and many more. Increasing popularity of OTT and its influence have transformed the way people communicate digitally, access information and engross in various phases of their daily lives (Napoli P. M., 2019).

On the other hand, the Global South, with its vast geographical areas, diverse populations, and infrastructural limitations, faces exceptional challenges in accomplishing digital inclusion. Conversely, the emergence of OTT platforms has created new opportunities for addressing these challenges and narrowing the digital divide (Koskinen, et al., 2019). By understanding the role of OTT platforms in advancing digital inclusion in the Global South, people can gain insights into their probable impact on education, digital connectivity, cultural exchange and entrepreneurship (Das, 2023).

In our increasingly interconnected world, the accessibility of internet connectivity and vigorous infrastructure plays a significant role in ensuring digital inclusion. OTT platforms, with their vast reach (amongst their audience) and technological capabilities, have potential to considerably enlarge internet access in the Global South. These OTT platforms have been influential in increasing penetration of the internet, specifically through mobile internet, overcoming conventional barriers which are related with physical infrastructural limitations. By offering innovative technologies and their services, OTT platforms can encompass connectivity to formerly underserved areas, allowing individuals and communities with access to information, services and opportunities (Kulkarni, 2019). OTT platforms have a transformative impression on digital inclusion in the Global South by giving access to education, endorsing entrepreneurship & economic empowerment and also nurturing cultural exchange. OTT platforms empower individuals to impart various skills and knowledge, empower small production houses to reach an extensive customer (viewers) and showcase varied cultures and stories to the global audience (Koskinen, et al., 2018). By bridging the digital divide and augmenting digital inclusion, OTT platforms contribute to a more connected, comprehensive and economically vibrant society in the Global South. While OTT platforms hold enormous potential in evolving digital inclusion, there are many challenges like band width of internet, affordability and accessibility of OTT platforms and regulatory framework in global south (T & I, 2020) (Pertierra R., 2018). Collective efforts between industry stakeholders, policymakers and communities are crucial to navigate these challenges and ensure that the advantages of OTT platforms are harnessed effectively by their users. In advancing digital inclusion in the Global South, this chapter delves into the multifaceted role of OTT platforms. (Andy Nguyen, 2022) By leveraging the capabilities of OTT platforms and fostering inclusive strategies, businesses can empower individuals and communities, drive sustainable development and unlock the full potential of the Global South in the digital era.

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