Can Employee Wellbeing and Resilience Contribute to Organizational Sustainability After COVID-19?

Can Employee Wellbeing and Resilience Contribute to Organizational Sustainability After COVID-19?

Seher Yastıoğlu, Tugba Erhan, Hasan Hüseyin Uzunbacak
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7499-0.ch003
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The current chapter focuses on the scope of employee happiness and resilience which will be examined in detail, and the importance of happiness and resilience for organizational sustainability in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period are discussed through research and reports. Then recommendations are provided based on the results of scientific studies to protect and increase employee happiness and resilience. This chapter aims at revealing the importance of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace highlighting the aftereffects of COVID-19 in the organizational ecosystem.
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What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.




Unexpected events have become an inevitable part of the today’s world of daily and business lives. The ability to maintain the lives and obtain sustainability have been more challenging. This is the era where most definitions have been evolving or most needs have been replacing with the ones which have not been cared much before. Managerial skills are required to include to have emotional intelligence for both managers and employees in order to show empathy and understand others better. In other words, the psychological needs of the individuals are needed to be prioritized within this rapidly changing era of pre and post pandemic period.

Individuals and organizations may share a common goal. Both of them expect to improve their welfare. The welfare of the organizations helps provide sustainability also supports the welfare of the community. However, the expectations of employees and the organizations have been increasing day by day in order to meet and satisfy the individual and organizational needs.

This chapter aims at highlighting the importance of wellbeing and resilience of the employees for sustainability considering the effects of the pandemic on employees and organizations. Also, the authors provide a critical overview of the importance of wellbeing and resilience which may be neglected in some of the today’s organizational structure.

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