Challenges to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Adoption

Challenges to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Adoption

V. Shunmughavel
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3375-8.ch009
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The industrial internet of things (IIoT) has made its development within a short span of time. Initially it was considered as a novel idea and currently it is a major driver in industry applications. It has created productivity and efficiency for industries worldwide. This innovative technology can become a practical reality if engineers overcome a variety of challenges. They are connectivity, cost, data integration, trust, privacy, device management, security, interoperability, collaboration, and integration. In this chapter, several facts behind the above-mentioned challenges are being explored and addressed.
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Many detailed studies, regarding vital Challenges and open research issues regarding the implementation of Industry 4.0, have been carried out. Several challenges and fundamental issues in various circumstances that occur throughout the implementation of Industry 4.0 were addressed (Wang, et al., 2016; Vaidya, et al., 2018). They were: 1) decision-making and negotiation, 2) industrial wireless network (IWN) protocols, 3) big data and its analytic, 4) system modelling and analysis, 5) cyber security issues and 6) interoperability, 7) Investment issues. Some of the technology challenges concerning the implementation of Industry 4.0 involve the development of smart devices, the establishment of network environments, big data analysis and processing and digital production (Zhou, Liu, & Zhou, 2015).Currently the volume of data collected by industrial internet of things (IIoT) applications is very huge, making it a challenge to offer platforms with adequate capacity and performance. It is essential to make a detailed analysis of several IIoT platforms in the market and before making the decision of which one to adopt (Moura, et al., 2018).

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